Hello all, I've been incubating Coturnix quail eggs and was pleasantly surprised yesterday morning (day 18 of incubation) to find some of my chicks had hatched. Unfortunately, I had to open the incubator very quickly 2x to retrieve said chicks. (One had curled toes and splayed legs and was super...
It’s day 30 for my call duck egg and I took it out yesterday to see wether it was going to hatch or not, there was some movement going on inside and very clear and distinct veins, but no internal pip which is obviously quite unusual... however when I got up this morning there was what looked to...
For the last 3 days, we have hatched 6 babies. I have one last egg under mama that must’ve been laid about 4 (guessing) days later.
How long will mama continue to set on it with the other chicks being up and around and ready to explore?
Two bantam sisters have been sharing a clutch. Now they have two babies a few days old and abandoned the rest of the eggs. Took this eggs to the incubator and now we have one chick so far. Tried to introduce it to the hens and idk maybe because the chick is a completely diff color from the other...
I have two chicks that hatched almost 48 hours ago. They are bright and alert. Problem is I have two that have pipped. One has a very large hole but doesn’t seem to be making progress, and one is making some progress but pipped late. I’m concerned about the two that have been in the incubator so...
(First paragraph is about hatching process of all the eggs, second paragraph talks about the duckling in need) So, I ordered my duck eggs from Metzer farms (First time hatching or owning ducks) on July 1st and received them late on July 6th or 7th. On Monday, August 3rd (about 28 days), most of...
My sister and I have been hatching chicks for the season (a sneaky hen hid her eggs too well and by the time we found them they were half way developed). We had moved part of the batch under another hen who was starting to brood, and a few into our incubator. One out of the three eggs in the...
I have a broody hen who has not been doing a great job keeping her eggs warm. The result is her eggs are about a week late to hatch but they are alive as they wiggly and peep when I water candled them. I know that they have a yolk store for the normal incubation time of three weeks + a few days...
This is my first hatch and on day 21 I had one hatch, then on day 22 the second one and day 23 the third on hatched (with wry neck). I have three more eggs in the incubator that had movement at day 18 when I went into lock down. I candled again last night (day 23) and one had movement inside of...
I'm going mad. . . so, I'm hatching chicks. One has hatched -no, stop. That's not nice. It's not fine and it is not good. She, Thora, hatched on day 18. She was the furthest from the lamp and among the smallest eggs. Thora has three un-hatched siblings. This might not worry you but it worries...
I had 5 eggs under a broody hen and on day 20 she gave up!!! i know! im so upset at her :(
she had been off for a couple house the day before but then returned to the nest.
I candled the eggs and could see healthy blood veins, and they looked to be developing fairly correctly for the time...
Yesterday at 11:34 PM
Emilie17New Egg
Hey everyone! I am quite new to hatching ducklings. I have 2 out of 6 eggs in the incubator that seem to still be alive... the 28 day mark was on Sunday (5/28), but there doesn't seem to be any sign of the hatching process. The temp has consistently been...
Hello all, my broody hen just hatched 11 out of 12 eggs on day 21-22, and one was left cold in the nest after she got out to tend to the rest so I put it in the incubator. I've been candeling it once a day and it has a good air cell and I see something pulsating near the air cell but no big...
I am very new so please forgive my mistakes. This is my first hatch. In Canada for reference.
Backstory: This is going to sound a little crazy (At least to my social circle it does). I was coming home from town and there was a mallard duck on my driveway. She flew off and left a little present...
I May be asking this prematurely and if so ill be posting pictures of my new hatchlings... but my question is this, my sweedish blue duck went broody around Easter and laid 2 eggs. A couple days later she was stealing the other ducks eggs that were in the nest next to her including the wood...