
  1. M

    Could my 9 week old be a blue copper maran?

    This was supposed to be a lavender Orpington but we could tell early it was a hatchery mixup. Now these copper colored feathers are starting to appear I’m starting to wonder if we have a blue copper maran or some sort of mix. What do you think?
  2. C

    Lavender orpington 4wks

    I have heard lavender orpington develop more slowly… but are these boys or girls? One has a more yellow face, the other is more lavender. They are four weeks old and not larger than our welsummer chicks we got a day before we got them.
  3. M


    Hello! I got four chicks back in April that are about 15/16 weeks old now. I asked for hens and I think ALL FOUR might be roosters. What do you all think?
  4. N


    Hello! I am new to backyard chicken keeping. I ordered sexed females. This lavender Orpington is looking a bit like a cockerel. Do you think this is a roo or a hen?
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