laying at 17 weeks

  1. PeepOverlord

    East Central LA/ MS line. 4 RIR Layers for sale. 10 mos old

    Pointe Coupee, LA WILL DEFINITELY CONSIDER TRADES (Doesn't have to be chickens or even livestock) Four Rhode Island Reds. Purebred, not barnyard mutts. Raised from day old chicks, now laying large Organic brown eggs daily. Excellent free rangers. Very healthy. They come when you whistle. Hens...
  2. HappilyHartley

    Laying in odd places

    Hi, my girls just started laying 8 days ago. Hens are 18 weeks on Tuesday the 13th. I don't know which of my 5 are laying. One uses the nesting box and lays beautiful brown eggs. The shell is nice, smooth and hard and yokes are beautiful. I think it is one of my Rhode Island Reds. Then I have...
  3. Norma_Lorp

    My first eggs!!

    Today when I opened up the coop I found an egg in the middle of the floor! Also found one under the coop. So exciting as these are my first eggs from my 4 girls. They are 17 weeks old.
  4. Audreyschickens

    Chickens laying at 17 weeks, done growing?

    I have 6 chickens that are 17 weeks old and they just started laying. They are still so small and in my experience with my other hens, once they lay their first few eggs they are about done growing. Is this the case with these next few? I’m worried that they will stay this small and they only...
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