
  1. Chicken Harnesses, fun with kids!

    Chicken Harnesses, fun with kids!

    You can also check out our reviews on Etsy: https://etsy.com/shop/studiocluck and click the link for more photos. Our Silkie model Blanche is a little too fluffy to model. Leash your chicken in fashionable Studio Cluck exclusive prints and designs. 100% cotton main fabric Neoprene lining...
  2. Maddog_photog

    Arbitrary Shower thoughts

    So quick kinda silly question: a friend showed me a video featuring someone (not me) who brought a duckling on a leash to a dog park. Obviously dogs are a danger for duckling, my question is, having raised two ducklings, how does a duck on a leash work? The only way I can imagine that working is...
  3. centrarchid

    Taking a Chicken for a Walk

    There has been discussion about use of a leash to walk a chicken like a dog. I have not tried that yet, but likely will to see what it is about. For now I can let several of my birds down and they will follow me. Started testing limits this morning using a cockerel of about 16 weeks that is...
  4. How To Use a Chicken Harness

    How To Use a Chicken Harness

    Learn how to use your chicken harness! Updated: Sadly, Kiwi the Buff Orpington has since passed away. :( I know most people don't own a chicken harness. But, I met up with someone on this forum that needed help learning how to use one! I was like, "Wow! I'm not the only one!". I own a...
  5. Chick1


    cant let them run free for safety reasons so we are slowly getting them use to the leash
  6. Duckiewuckie

    Leash training

    What is the best breed of duck to leash train? Has anyone personally had any success with it? How?
  7. SpaghettiJo

    Chicken leashes??

    Does anybody have a chicken leash? How do you like it? How long did it take you to train them to use it? I know training takes a while and some chickens will simply never like it, but if anyone has chickens that have ended up liking them, please let me know all the details! I've been thinking...
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