
  1. A

    Looking for Advice & Sharing Progress on My Sick Pullet

    So, my 24-week-old pullet (not laying yet) became very lethargic. At first, she slept on the floor instead of roosting, and by the second night, I moved her inside so I could monitor her. She stopped eating and drinking on her own, spending most of the day standing still or lying down with her...
  2. mixedchickenguy

    chicken occasionally unsteady on her feet. 1.5 years old

    hello. one of our chickens will occasionally (every 20-60 minutes) seem unbalanced on her feet. any other time she acts relatively normal, eating and drinking, but not really preening much and seems a bit lethargic. she also had incredibly watery poops yesterday (basically just pure water with a...
  3. C

    Barred Rock Post wound care lethargy/no appetite/very runny stool

    I have a Barred Rock hen about 1.5yo that was exhibiting some runny stool about a 2 weeks ago, but was otherwise acting normally. Noticed an uptick in poop covered feather around her vent, so more closely inspected. Found a wound above her vent (unclear on the cause) that I cleaned with...
  4. Ghost

    Chicken (3yo) has white diarrhea with small green lumps; is mildly lethargic...

    Hello, If anyone knows what these droppings and symptoms suggest (-see pictures), please let me know so I can do more research on those possibilities! -Thank you! Here are the facts (about Snowbird) for quick reference: Basic Facts: • Breed: Swedish flower. • Age: 3 years. • Weight: ±1.75(?)...
  5. PBAndAlice

    Crop impaction/hard stuff in crop? Not improving after 1 week, desperate

    Soooo it's been a week since these symptoms have started and a few days since I discovered that this was actually a crop issue. Here's my old thread for reference. Summary: Cookie, a 3 year old Tractor Supply Easter Egger has been lethargic, pale combed, having diarrhea and a messy bum, losing...
  6. chicken mother

    Chickens dying of old age or illness?

    My family member bought like 10 chickens from some guy online. They were delivered to us and they were all low energy, pale a droopy combs. There are four left and this is the condition they’re in right now. The rest of them died. Is this an illness I can treat or did we get old dying hens? The...
  7. jnfrcrag

    Sudden Lethargy, Liquid White Poop, Closing Eyes Slowly and Often

    Rhode Island Red, 3 - 5 years (we inherited this chicken) She is leaning against walls and moving very slow. Her comb seems a bit more pale than usual. This is very sudden as she was acting normal when she left the coop this morning. No other birds in our small flock are exhibiting this...
  8. Kenz_T2172

    Diarrhea and Lethargy

    Hi everyone. I have an olive egger hen who just turned a year old- Yesterday morning I noticed she was hanging out by herself off in a corner or inside the coop alone. She walks around but not a whole lot. When she does walk it appears normal. Feathers aren’t fluffed or anything like that. She...
  9. chloemae

    Sour crop, lethargy, 'cool' 3 week old....

    Hello Everyone, I have a 3 week old chick with sour crop. She was born with wry neck which resolved, physically, with selenium and B. Yestersay she was sluggish, still moving with the crew but her crop was big which i noted for the first time, visibly. I put her in another brooder, with an older...
  10. ourlittlecoop2022

    Please help! Excessive thirst & lethargy in hen

    Hi all, Our 3.5 year old laying hen was acting normally yesterday, but upon coming out of her coop this morning proceeded to drink water for about 10 minutes straight. She would not stop, even when we tried to lure her away with treats. We examined her and found some messy feathers around...
  11. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Purple and drooping comb, no appetite, poopy butt, etc.

    Anyone have any ideas what could be wrong with my hen? Could it be organ failure? She is an older (unsure of the age but definitely 4+) RIR. Her name is Reba. Here are her symptoms: -Drooping comb with the ends turning purple -No appetite (refused scratch just now) -Poopy butt - I noticed it...
  12. sophielophiemophiepophie

    Lethargic and soft-egg laying hen

    Hi! I have a 2 year old buff orpington hen and in the recent weeks shes lost a significant amount of weight and has a loss of appetite. I don’t think its sourcrop; her crop nor breath smell and her crop isn’t swollen — its actually very small and squishy (maybe because she isnt eating?). Shes...
  13. S

    Fowl pox, slow or sour crop?

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) I have a Speckled Sussex pullet, Thelma, who is feeling very poorly. She’s about 10 months old. I don’t think she’s lost much weight. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. My flock caught...
  14. L

    Needing help understanding this lethargy with hen

    So I have a Rhode Island Red hen named Basil. I live in a metropolitan area so I have a tiny flock of only 3 hens, all RIR. In the summer they all laid an egg a day and were champion eaters. Chili is definitely the lead hen, she is at the top of the pecking order, super healthy, etc. Basil was...
  15. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Molting Hen Is Acting Poorly - Treatment Needed?

    My 4.5 y/o EE, Darla, is going through a pretty extreme molt. She's at the bottom of the pecking order and always pretty awkward, but is acting even more confused and flustered than usual, and is otherwise very low energy. This is normal for her during molts. However, I noticed the following...
  16. Mrsmalexander8

    Owlbeard Pullet - chronic lethargy, slow, not getting better/not getting worse?

    I have a Dutch Owlbeard, named Minnie, 14 weeks old, seems slightly smaller than the others, seems a little bony but still eating and drinking albeit slowly. Had a sister who was culled as a younger chick (named Merriweather, culled around 8 weeks old), who was fine and then went downhill...
  17. R

    hard mass on chicken’s waddle, any ideas?

    my hen mabel, six years old, is acting very unlike herself. she is at the top of the pecking order and never gets bullied; we also don’t have a rooster. she has been showing every sign of sickness: lethargy, depressed appetite, hiding, and unusual posture. she never ran when i approached her and...
  18. L

    Infected flock: contemplating culling

    Good evening everybody, An important preface: We have reached out to almost every veterinarian in our state (we live in the US). Almost all of them are either completely booked or have stopped seeing poultry altogether. We were able to get an unofficial diagnosis from an acquaintance who is a...
  19. B

    3yr old hen, sudden mystery wry neck, PLZ HELP. Coccidia related? Vitamin or no vitamins?

    Hi all. Bare w/ me in this mystery... My 3yr old, appx 6 lb, Barred Rock layer hen, Peep, is the lone survivor of an attack on the flock. Long story short, she fast became an indoor chicken & a very special animal companion to my household. She free ranges daily w/ supervision, weather...
  20. Cinnaminute

    Panting and lethargic; need help identifying cause

    1) What type of bird, age and weight: 11mo Easter Egger. No noticeable weight gain/loss. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. Lethargy, pale comb, and abnormal panting (temps are low 60s inside and outside). Symptoms started yesterday afternoon before clearing up in the evening. They started again...
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