Does anybody know what this is? I noticed one morning that my chicken was using her wing to move around. I picked her up and saw her leg was completely limp. She uses the joint to move around. I separated her and once I examined her I found this. They have been closed up in the coop for 2 days...
Hi! I have an almost 6 month old (not laying yet) Rhode Island Red that has been limping for the past week. It started as a small wobble, but now she doesn't use her left leg at all. Her other leg and wings are all fine, just her left leg. Also, her toes are not curled, but they're not in their...
Summer is a little over a week old and was completely fine until three days ago. We are not sure what happened. She is with three other chicks so we are not ruling out injury. Summer is eating and drinking, but limps on her right leg. She only uses it to balance and often times she keeps it...
i have a chicken who likes to roost and hangout in the dirt alot. although i’m starting to think it was because she couldn’t move around very much. i noticed her behind the food dispenser one wing out and one leg out, laying there, alive though. i picked her up and place into the middle of the...
i have a chicken who likes to roost and hangout in the dirt alot. although i’m starting to think it wasn’t because she loved it. i noticed her behind the food dispenser one wing out and one leg out, laying there, alive though. i picked her up and place into the middle of the coop, just kinda...
I'm new to keeping chickens, but this morning my 14 week old barred rock was limping. She's able to walk, but is clearly favoring her left foot/leg and is a little wobbly. She was mainly laying down, walking around very sparsely (compared to her usually excitedly running through the pen with my...
My RIR chick, about 4 days old, has a limp that I noticed about 2 days ago and has gotten a little worse since. The leg looks perfectly normal. It has some dark veins, but nothing that looked particularly problematic. I noticed just now that there is a small, hard bump on his belly on the same...
My light Brahma roo starting limping 4-5 days ago. Treated him for scaly leg yesterday, no real improvement today. He's a big guy and still eating, drinking, crowing and watching his ladies just hopping on one leg and pawing at the air with the other. Sits from time to time because he's tired...
Hello, I have a BSL that's been acting weird all day. She's limping on one leg and for a while, her leg shook violently and her toes curled when I picked her up. Her poop seems fine and her behavior is normal, except she sometimes lays down. She's eating regularly. Anyone know what's wrong with...
Hi all,
Just looking for some reassurances / guidance on my first chicken medical issue.
I have a 7 - 8 month orphington called Buffy. Today I noticed a really obvious limp in Buffy's gait where she is avoiding putting her weight on her right leg. I picked her up and brought her inside for an...
When my sister went out to feed our new batch of 9 chicks, she noticed one had a limp foot. one foot is perfectly fine however, the chick can't walk on the other foot. His foot is raised and his toes are curled. How do I help him?
Thanks in advance!