Recently, one of my two remaining chickens has unfortunately died, leaving my four year old Easter Egger as a lone hen. She seems to be getting lonely, and I've been debating whether to get her friends around her age, or give her some pullets to raise. She has never been a mother before, since...
After hand raising (inside my home) for four months, 8 separate broods of chickens and Wild Guinea. I can safely say YES House Chickens ARE doable! Of these birds I picked two that were to be INSIDE chickens. I lost my best girl and her house mate was alone for a year.. I was her flock and she...
I’ve just started breeding chicks, I had a previous successful hatch, this time used a new incubator and only one has survived and hatched out of 10, I’ve put her/him in a cage, with heat pad, it’s cheeping a lot but hasn’t ate or drank as of yet (it’s about 12 hours old), I’m thinking maybe...
Could use some ideas on how to get a loner pullet reintegrated with her flock.
Last Wednesday a raccoon broke in an attacked my group of 6 ten week old birds. They were in a separate pen/ coop from my two older hens. It came in at night, and by time I got out there, it had already...
Hi all,
I have owned two silkie chickens (Dolly and Elvis) for the past 10 years but unfortunately today Elvis was put down. Obviously the two were very close and I'm lost as to what I should do with poor Dolly. As she is 10 years old I think that rehoming might be a bit too stressful for her...
For those with chickens that like to watch tv - are there any particular shows or movies that your chickens seem to really enjoy? (anything on Netflix, Hulu, Prime, Youtube...)
I spend a lot of time outside with Rooster, as he is all alone (I live in east LA, he was dumped in our alley so he's...
hello all,
I am going to pick up a new hen from another homestead. This hen is the last left of a small flock. She’s currently reported as sad and losing weight, so she needs a new home and new flock mates. I have four hens and I am wondering what is the best way to introduce her to the flock...
Hi, I had two hens, Jan and Cindy. A raccoon got Jan this morning. Now Cindy is on her own. I'm not sure what to do. I don't want her to live in solitude and loneliness. But I can't bring on another chicken right now. Should I contact neighbors to see if anyone can add Cindy to their flock? Do I...
One of my ex-battery hens has been on "palliative" care and anti-inflammatory medicatiom for almost 2 weeks now and had been absolutely fine up until this morning (she even laid a proper shelled egg the other day). But now, she isn't leaving the coop, is puffed up and isn't eating at all. I...
i got two baby chicks in September.. they grew up together and bonded.. I also have seven fulled grown hens who all get along.. I was planning on integrating my now 4 month old babies with the rest. I put a small coop next to the big run and they were getting to know one another just fine...
I need help my hen lost her rooster awhile ago. We got her a new rooster but they did not get along so now she lives with me. I don’t want her to be lonely can I get her a friend?
We are brand new to chickens (just five days) and the day we got our first two hens, something got one of them. The first day, they both came out of the coop and were happy in the run. Since then, the lone hen will not come out of her coop. We are worried that she is not eating or drinking. I...
Hey lovelies :frow,
I have a lone chick I hatched myself recently :jumpy (we sort of rescued her, she almost became our dinner as the neighbors gave us the egg to try; they thought the egg was infertile, but it turns out it wasn' and I have a mirror in with her, but I don't want her to be...
Hi folks,
I've been a longtime lurker, and this is my first post. I wish I were posting under happier circumstances, but I am hoping to get some sound advice.
Three nights ago a weasel got into the coop and killed three of our flock (2 ducks, 1 chicken). We now only have 1 duck and 1 chicken...
After 18 years of joyfully raising poultry, I am simplifying for retirement and am now down to my sole aged hen. What is the right thing to do - I cannot rehome her -she is being treated for scaly leg mite and have concerns if the stress of rehoming would be detrimental? I am in the coop daily...