I have 2 Blue Australorps. Hatched September 2, 2023. One has a longer tail than the other. They did say they were supposed to be pullets when I got them. Does anyone know if they are both pullets/females?
So I have a small flock, 11 chickens, 12 now I guess. 9 Barred Rock hens, 1 Buff Orpington hen, 1 Buff Orpington rooster, and now this little fuzzball named Nugget.
My Buff Orpington hen, Elizabeth, was trying to hatch 3 eggs. She hatched 1 and abandoned the other 2 eggs. Looking at this chick...
I have an ameraucana (Image 2), golden laced Wyandotte (image 1), and salmon faverolle (image 3). Female or male? Asking because one is more aggressive, and friend questioned another one. Ameraucana and golden laced are 3-4 weeks. Salmon is 4-5 weeks old.
age of chicken
breed and gender
hen or cockerel
laying age of pullets
pullet or cockeral
white leghorn pullets
Please tell me they are all roosters or not?
Though they have a slightly big comb but they sounds like pullet. I am very tensed whether all are roosters? Atleast one should be a pullet please tell your opinion.
If you know other useful methodes - please add them to this thred.
In my new YouTube-video (linked below) I explain 10 methods on how to identify male and female chicken chicks. Some are only good hints – some are 99% proof. Its really nice to know early whether or not your chick is a rooster...
Hi guys :)
Due to a long story/exceptional circumstances, I have acquired a delightful little ball of fluff and joy who is currently 4-and-a-half weeks old.
He/she is feeding brilliantly on Exact formula every 5 hours (with 8 hour gap at night to ensure proper emptying of crop). He/she has...
I got nine baby chicks. All supposedly sexed female. New to raising chickens and loving it so far. I got 3 RI reds on 4/25 so Ive had them for almost 8 weeks and one seems to be a cockerel....help! All three of them are in this picture. All the same age from the same hatchery and picked up on...
Hi! This is my first post here, and also my first time raising chicks! One hen that we got has developed a much, much larger comb and wattles than the other four hens we have. I just want to ensure that this chicken is actually a hen, because I am not able to have a rooster within the city...
8 week old polish not sure if they are bantam they are supposed to be, but they look soooo much bigger than the 8 week old silkies and frizzles. I have 6 polish and would like to know if I have Roos or pulls. This is two of them.