
  1. L

    Rescuing mallard duckling

    Hi, It’s been 6 weeks since my family took in a baby mallard (looked to be about 1-2 days). We found her parents roaming around our place and let the duckling go to them but they tried to snap at her neck. So, we took her back into the house. We tried looking up duck rescues around our area...
  2. W

    New here! Duck advice needed!

    Hi everyone! I’ve been reading this forum for the best part of a year and have taken some great advice from it for us as new duck owners! We’re in the UK and have had two ducks for the past 7 months, a female mallard and a Khaki Campbell (we think he’s crossed with something else) drake. They...
  3. TheDaringDucks

    My Hero Duck

    I have a bit of a problem with my mallard drake, Geronimo. Over the last few months, he has become a little too big for his britches. He has absolutely no fear. Or at least when it comes to fight or flight, he will ALWAYS choose fight. Doesn't matter what it is, he struts his way right up to...
  4. F

    Did God Give Me a Duck? (Domesticated Mallard)

    Yesterday morning we woke up to a female Mallard in our suburban yard. She has been sitting next to the chicken run as if she'd like to join them, and she hopped right into a plastic pool of water I filled for her. She acts domesticated, and is also missing a first metatarsal on one of her feet...
  5. S

    Mallard Ducks

    Hello, on May 30, 2024 I received 8 baby mallard ducklings. They were about 2 weeks old at the time. We have three large 1 acre ponds. It is now August 1, 2024 in PA. When should I release them to the ponds? Currently, I have been keeping them in a small barn barn and letting them into a run...
  6. S

    Looking to Rehome ducks in Cocoa FL

    Heyo I have too many males and need a new home for a few. 2 Cayuga, 1 mallard and 1 Pekin. I Live in Cocoa FL. I'm new to the site so if this should be redirected please point me in the right direction.
  7. L

    Call duck friend for mallard?

    Hello! I have a lonely mallard that we hatched for our backyard lake and nature preserve. Its buddy did not make it. We moved it to its outdoor predator safe coop and have let it free range almost everyday until recently it flew down to the lake (8 weeks old). I want to find it a friend to fly...
  8. A

    9 weeks old Mallard following its own tail

    Hey there, My mallard, that now lives outside in a hut I build for it, has started to run in circles. It's clearly trying to reach something on its undertail. My thought was a tick or something like that. It's been doing this on and off now for a couple of days and seems to really bother the...
  9. Quackersdelight

    New Member! Hello

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to chickens, we got our first four a few days ago. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 4 (3) What breeds do you have? I believe they are Black sex link but I am unsure (4) What are your favorite aspects of...
  10. ElGoose

    Mallard duck with mixed male/female plumage!

    Thought you guys might appreciate these pics, I heard male mallards will shed after the breeding season and look more like females, I managed to snap quite a few pics of this one as well as next to male and female ducks so you can really see the difference 😃 you can kind of see the gradual change
  11. M

    Is this Mallard or something else?

    At first thought Mallard, but they are starting to get a white line on the face. Showing different ages in pics. Any help?
  12. L

    Raging Mallard - Ducks Hate the Drake

    Pancake my little mallard drake was bullying one of my geese relentlessly and I’ve followed this people on this site advice and separated them. So far, success. Also it turns out part of the problem was that they both feel they own me and so I now don’t pet them in each others view. But now a...
  13. DuckMochi

    My female duck is now a male duck... is she going to die?

    Hi guys I haven't been here in a while but google has NOT been much help so I wanted to reach out to other duck owners for their opinions/experiences. Sorry the title is so dramatic, but that's pretty much the gist of what I am asking. Some information, I have a female mallard named Billy, she...
  14. Mo_fawaazzz

    free ranging mallards?

    I am raising two mallard ducklings from McMurray hatchery along with my other farm ducklings. I know that the farm ducks can free range because they have lost most of their flight ability, but mallards can fly well. So far, they stick around with the farm ducklings and do not really leave them...
  15. R

    Is this a Blue-Swedish/Mallard Hybrid?

    We lost our "Squeaky"-duck to a predator in early January. She was a feral escape that walked cross-country onto our place one afternoon. Initially very skittish, but we became close friends and she loved to race me and our kayak around the pond. She was small-to-medium in size, and not heavy...
  16. K

    Yellow duckling from Black Swedish ducks…?

    Good morning! I have one female Black Swedish, two male Black Swedish, and one male Mallard. This is the second time my female has hatched eggs. This go around, she has five yellow ducklings, two Black Swedish ducklings, and one to be a mix of Mallard and Black Swedish. Curious as to what...
  17. G

    Mallard opens his mouth?

    Hey y’all. I’ve got a mallard duckling, about 2 months old, and he’s got a funky behavior. I notice it mostly when they’re outside but playing in the water, but he’ll open and close his mouth a few times between splashes. He’s also done it outside of the water. It’s not panting, I know what his...
  18. hotmessmom

    Question about supplemental heat/additional niacin?

    Hey y’all! Long time chicken, first time duck owner here. We have 5 mallards in our brooder right now. They are 2 days shy of 5 weeks old. They have been growing and thriving beautifully but as we near moving them outdoors I have a few questions. We still have a heat plate in their brooder...
  19. D

    Duckling died

    Hi so basically I found a lone duckling on Tuesday around 8 PM in my in ground pool. It was just swimming back and forth. Whenever I would go out to grab it, it would jump out and run around the yard away from me. It was weird since we live in the suburbs and none of our neighbors have ducks...
  20. RacingRunners

    Trout Indian Runners

    Hello. I am looking for trout Indian runner ducks or eggs to hatch out. I would like some genetic diversity in my flock. Please message me if you have some or know someone who does. Thank you!
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