Ok, for the issue at hand, skip to the next paragraph!!
If you’re bored and want to read the whole saga:caf, here’s the background on our problem: Our sixth and final duckling (Trooper) made her debut almost a week after her siblings. Mama was getting a bit impatient and was obviously torn...
I have a muscovy mama that hatched 3 of her 13 egg clutch that seems to be paying less attention to the remaining. She hasn't booted them and still sitting on them. They look like they are ready to hatch.
I'm worried that this isn't normal and don't want to lose the remaining ducklings.
My mama duck (crested pekin) has been sitting on eggs for about 17 days. I believe early this morning she was picked up by a stray dog (she's been adamant about sitting, so she didn't just leave.) I picked up the eggs, candled them, and put the fertile ones in an incubator. Will they be able to...
Hello, I am new to the forum and have a question. Let me introduce myself. I am not totally new but haven't had poultry in many years. I now have 2 mature roosters, 6 adult hens, 18 9 week old baby chicks mixed breeds. I also have a male, female and 5 2 week old ducks mom hatched. They have been...