Thank you in advance to anyone who can assist. I am new to chicken keeping. I ordered seven baby chicks from MPC. They are 6.5 weeks old currently. I ordered six girls and one boy. However, I have my suspicions that some of my bullets are actually roos.
I have an assortment of breeds.
Hey there! Please don't judge this set up, I just got them to my house, they'll be in a great setup soon. The lady I picked them up from said she got them at our local feed store, she says Hoover Hatchery is where they get them from and all she knows is that they lay dark brown eggs. Looking at...
Out of 22 eggs I had 10 successfully hatch in mid-late October (6-7 weeks). I am all but certain these 5 are boys. Breeds are Pekins, Black Copper Marans and Barnavelder. Many thanks!!
I am new to chickens (well, been a long time since I've had any). I have some questions...
1) is the little Red a bantam? She's the same age (no more than a couple days younger) but about half the size of the other 2 Reds.
2) what is this cockerel? He was supposed to be sapphire gem but I...
Stubbs just turned two weeks old and was sexed as a female. Her wing feathers have grown in much more slowly than the others in our mixed batch of five chicks and at an odd upwards angle. The others (ameraucanas, a barred rock, and a speckled sussex) all have started growing some tail feathers...
Hello, I hatch chicks weekly and these are the ones I have available right now.
they were all hatched April 29,2020
I have the following available:
7- whitening true blues -$5 each
2- Olive eggers -$4 each
1- black birchen marans - $6
pick up in Montgomery
If interested please text...
Hi! Wondering if I could have help determining if one of my girls could actually be a boy. The comb and wattles are much more developed than my other two Marans. Also noticably the largest and boldest of the six I have. This was the first one to start hopping up on me and exploring the new coop...
How do these Wheaten Marans Cockerels look compared to the SOP. Not interested in showing, just curious.
They are the two survivors from the death problems mentioned here:
Hi everyone, I am Julie at Sadie-Girl Farm.
We raise Chickens and Ducks, and sell day-old chicks, started pullets, and eggs. We focus on Black Copper Marans, Lavender and Blue Ameraucanas, and Olive Eggers. Our motto is "adding color to your egg basket!" can you tell why?!?
My husband and I...