marek’s disease

  1. E

    1 y/o hen died of Marek’s. Should I sell my unintroduced pullets to save them?

    Long story short: I found one of my hens yesterday unable to walk, and after spending the night at the emergency vet, it’s been determined that she most likely had Marek’s. She passed away in my arms earlier this afternoon. I have two sebright pullets, about 12 weeks old, who have not been...
  2. King Corrin

    Urgent! sick hens!

    Okay so a few weeks ago I lost a young pullet to unusual symptoms. The bird acted lethargic, puffed itself up, closed its eyes, retracted it’s head inward, and eventually it couldn’t walk. It also would occasionally make strange noises unlike anything I’ve ever heard from a bird (sounded like a...
  3. CrazyChickenLady15

    Marek’s disease vaccinations

    Hello everyone, I want to raise chicks this spring to add to my flock. However I’m concerned because I lost a hen to marek’s disease this past summer. I currently have a small flock, three hens and a rooster. I rushed into them a little and got them from an unknown source (lesson learned). So...
  4. POULTRY HEALTH (Emergencies, Diseases, Treatments, Medicine Suggestions)

    POULTRY HEALTH (Emergencies, Diseases, Treatments, Medicine Suggestions)

    POULTRY HEALTH (Emergencies, Diseases, Treatments, Medicine Suggestions) Disclaimer: Please note this information is offered as friendly advice only and, whilst we have made every effort to ensure it is accurate, We can not be held responsible if it proves not to be useful in your case...
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