Hey all. I’m thinking of ordering a batch of about 10 ducklings from metzer farm, But not sure if they would be able to ship to Alberta, Canada. Anyone got any help on this? Would they charge me extra too for shipping here? And what’s y’all’s experience with metzer too. Thanks!
We just purchased our first ducklings!!! Thanks for the nudge @Evermore We have three Welsh Harlequin ducks and one drake coming from Metzer's w/o June 27th. However, the more I read on BYC, I have heard mixed reviews about their stock. These may be outdated reviews however, since so many...
I ordered 2 female ducklings from Metzer Farms. A fawn and white runner, and a Saxony. They are supposed to ship april 30th and arrive may 2nd. I am a nervous wreck over them being shipping and whether or not they will arrive healthy and alive.. Has anyone ordered ducklings from there before? If...
Hello all, I live in Texas and would like to order from Metzer Farms, they have breeds i very much want and that i can’t find here. The only issue for me is that they’re all the way in California, I worry that is too long of a travel for the ducks, has anyone ordered from them that lives far...
I ordered two ducklings and when they arrived I got three! Not a bad surprise at all. But the two ducklings I ordered had bands on to let me know that they were females and the third had nothing on. Does that mean the third duckling is a boy? I can't keep a boy so if they sent me a third male...