I’ve been letting the pullets in my flock free range for some time now. A few weeks ago a pullet named Butters vanished for a day but came back by dusk. Today, I was free ranging the flock as usual when I heard my rooster freaking out. When I went to check on them, I found my rooster with 5...
We have a hen who disappeared a few days ago. The day before she disappeared, she tried to hide in the forest and was extremely mad when we found her. We have a lot of cameras around so we know approximately where she should be but we can’t access it. She didn’t head towards the trees this time...
Yesterday when me and my husband went to give the birds some treats, we noticed two of our retired girls, our buff Orpington, and our white Orpington pullet were all missing. We looked for hours but couldn't find a trace! They free range but never have gone far and we have a rooster who...
Hi there! Two of my ducks have recently had ducklings and they stay in a shed at night. The other ducks prefer to sleep outside but two nights ago one of my adult ducks went missing. Thismorning I woke up to two more of them gone. They were all very healthy and no signs of a struggle so I’m just...
This morning my chickens were attacked by a fox. I was in my office room, which overlooks the coop and where the chickens walk around during the day, when all of a sudden I hear them going crazy only to find that when I looked out the window I saw a fox leaping mid-air after my chickens. I ran...
last night my husband forgot to put the ducks in, when he went out to their pen they were no where to be found, I assumed they found a place to bed down for the night which they have done before. However, this morning just then hen showed up in her pen, in they house was a single egg (my first...
Hello everybody & good morning.
I just recently decided to join this page to ask a specific question to you all. Even though I have never joined before I have used this site and everybody's comments for help with questions I've had in the past. But I am so stressed out I need my own question...
This is a thread for creating and posting flyers/information pertaining to any lost or missing birds and pets.
I know that local FB groups and shelters can be good places to share missing animal information, but sometimes it isn't enough, or someone who has seen the animal doesn't have FB, or...