So in my flock, I bred my former silkie rooster with my polish, I got a Polish Silkie mix, Oreo. I now have a Cochin bantam frizzle, Frizzle Rizzle, I bred the two and hatched a beautiful chick out, I can now see it definitely has the frizzle genetics, but I really want it to have a poof like...
Good morning y'all,
Question from a new flock Mom:
I will be crossing Dark Brahma Roo with the following (all hatchery chicks):
Black Copper Marans
Barred Rock
Easter Egger
Golden Buff
Buff Braham
Lavender Orpington
Columbian Wyandotte
First of all, are hatchery chicks guaranteed purebred?
Hey y’all I’m interested in discussing and comparing my flocks with others.
currently I have 4 barred rocks, 4 Americanas , 1 Easter egger, and 1 Supposed Isbar
Hi y’all, I have always maintained a mixed breed flock and I wonder how do other people feel about their own flocks?
When I was a novice at chicken keeping I overdid it and had a flock that was way too diverse for me to handle. Now I’m much more planned out. I look for a docile well laying...