molting chicken

  1. Countryhippie

    Molting Hen in -10 degree weather (should I bring her in)

    Hello everyone, I am from Central Massachusetts and I have 4 hens that are about one and a half years old. I have my hens in a large over ez chicken coop, it’s been altered to have more ventilation at the top. The coop normally only stays about 5-10 degrees warmer than outside in the winter...
  2. A

    Is this roo molting or something else?

    Hi All. Relatively new to keeping chickens, ours are 10 months old. Is our roo molting? Or is something else going on/did he get in a scuffle? Can’t seem to find a picture online of how ours is looking. Any insight is much appreciated :)
  3. helicopterchickenmom

    Older Chicken Molts Perpetually

    Does anyone else have an older chicken who seems to not stop molting? Lacey is in the 10 year range. This year she began her molt around May, which is normal for her. She molts in patches so it takes her about 12 weeks to get through all of it. But his year she's replaced her neck feathers and...
  4. Hnowlin12

    Molting or worse??? ☹️

    Hi everyone! I am turning into a paranoid chicken mom….I have noticed our baby seramas (we just received them on Thursday) pulling at their feathers, itching, and pulling their chest fluff. they are eating and drinking and still acting normal! Just get into itchy spells. I tried my best to...
  5. MegsEggsx

    Helping My Girls Through Their First Molt!!!

    Heyyy, I have been expecting this for a little while, there have been signs like misshaped eggs and slowing of egg production. I was pretty excited when I noticed today that my Langshan bantam Meg had began molting! At the moment it is just her but I think her 2 sisters will begin very soon, and...
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