molting help

  1. Missmackworth

    Mites or molting?!

    Hello all 👋 We have 10 laying hens all a variety of ages from 23 weeks to 2 years. I’ve noticed this past season that a handful of them have lost feathers, the bearded EE lost her beard, our lavender OP was giant and now is super small due to significant feather loss and our Brahma is also...
  2. youngbirdmom

    Lavender Orpington Acting Strange

    So I have my first lavender hen. I got her as a chick from TSC back in June. Lately she has been molting like crazy, way more than the other girls I got around the same time. It honestly looks like something killed another lavender out there because there are just so many feathers. She also is...
  3. MegsEggsx

    Helping My Girls Through Their First Molt!!!

    Heyyy, I have been expecting this for a little while, there have been signs like misshaped eggs and slowing of egg production. I was pretty excited when I noticed today that my Langshan bantam Meg had began molting! At the moment it is just her but I think her 2 sisters will begin very soon, and...
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