
  1. AGeese

    Mad For Trad

    March is almost here so I'm gonna get this started early! R.I.P. Shane!
  2. MamaPoult

    I need your help guys!!!!! Morgan Wallen or Luke Combs????

    Alright guys and gals!! I need your help! I want to know if people prefer Morgan Wallen's music or Luke combs'?? I personally am a Luke Combs fan but I'm kinda thinking Morgan might get more votes🤷‍♀️. So come on guys and vote! Prove me wrong or right! I know these people and I have had...
  3. MamaPoult

    Do you like Journey??

    Ok guys, I need you!! My Mom and I are having a disagreement about the music band Journey. She loves them and I hate them. She says there's not a single person on the planet that would agree with me. So I need you guys to weigh in on this and settle it!!
  4. ziggymajig

    intro 💪

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? had them first when i was young, about 6 or 7. all of my chickens since then have passed but for the first time since then ive gotten new ones, i know a lot about them and they make me very happy (2) How many chickens do you have...
  5. TimLewallen

    Two Chickens On My Street

    Do they have chicken jobs?
  6. MamaPoult

    Instrument Lovers❤

    Hi all what instruments do you play? Whats your favorite songs to play on them? I play ukulele and piano! I like to play Somewhere Over The Rainbow on my uke and any Lauren Daigel song on my piano. Happy music chatting!!
  7. CreativeChicken08

    Random question!

    Does anyone here on BYC listen to Owl City music artist? He is a one man Christian pop band, who I have been listening to for years! I recently went to his concert. Does anyone listen to him? Please say! Or, just comment your favorite music artists!
  8. Blue Raptor

    BYC Music Collaboration Playlist! (Spotify)

    I thought it would be cool to have a general Spotify playlist for anyone who wants to hear some new music and share songs! All I ask is that there are no explicit songs added (or else I'll just take 'em off), let's keep it clean! ;) Try to keep it at a maximum of 5 songs per person too! Here's...
  9. The Main Coop Cam_20230812_191536.mp4

    The Main Coop Cam_20230812_191536.mp4

    Phyllis and the ladies enjoying Anthony Snape live in concert in our backyard
  10. PippinTheChicken


    This may be a hit n' miss but does anyone listen to Gorillaz? I've listened to the music, mostly just Clint Eastwood, for a while. But recently I've been more interested in the characters and the story. Vids for people interested in the story: If you are a fan: What is your favourite song...
  11. Crazy Duck Lover

    The Weeknd Fan Club 🌅🌇

    Is anyone on here a fan of The Weeknd? If so, let me know!!! Share your name, and favorite song/album from the Weeknd!! Also, share your opinion of Dawn FM. I say AOTY for sure! The Dawn is here!!!!!🌇 XOTWOD
  12. ShrekDawg

    Dance Party!!!!

    It’s the weekend for me now soooo let’s party! :lau 😁 I’m in an oldie dance/party song mood atm :lau idk why since I’ve mostly been on a rock kick lately (tend to get stuck on one thing lol) along with other random stuff but whatever, it’s fun lol anyway….. PARTY TIME!!! 🤣😁🥰🥳🥳🥳🥳
  13. orloffer

    All things Vintage thread - Antiques, music & more!

    Anyone else love history, antiques, and music of the past? There are so many rabbit holes one can dive into! Come join this thread to discuss interesting tidbits of history and share about your favorite vintage things, including music. Feel free to share pictures of and stories about any...
  14. P

    Chickens LOVE Music!

    I bought a cheap little radio for my chickens. I turned it to the local classical music station, hung it on the wall of their coop, and VOILA! Happy, mellow chickens. They like it so much that I leave it on low volume at night. It seems to reduce the 3am crowing and make them all feel safe...
  15. BudgieKing15

    What kind of music do your birds like?

    So...what kind of music do your birds like? Do they have a favorite musical artist? My two budgies are OBSESSED with The Weeknd's Blinding Lights! Every time I play it they start singing.
  16. L

    New member!

    Hey everyone! I’m a new member here. I recently got two silkies a little over 4 weeks ago. I love them so much! I have one though that is continuously making noise. It’s cute, but at 2 in the morning when (hopefully) she needs to be in your arms to sleep it seems a little extra😂i love this...
  17. WallyBirdie

    Budgies Love Elvis

    I've been trying different music for my budgies. I got the first signs of head bobbing by playing Blue Suede Shoes!
  18. Peachfuzz221

    Suggestions - Reading Watching, etc.

    Hello everybody! I am basically looking for recommendations on just about anything and everything; books, movies, music, hobbies, etc. Consider this a thread where you can just drop and share your favorite things and maybe have a little chat with me about them. I am using this thread as an...
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