need advice

  1. feathryfrnds


    My fiance came home with a turken pullet last night as a surprise for me, he's so sweet. I have questions. Do they require extra care? Do their bare necks need protection from the sun? Google said they'll need neck protection during winter, what should I use? Also when they're fully grown is...
  2. NinjaGamer2022

    URGENT 2 year old pet rooster suddenly shaking from head to toe. Please help.

    My beloved pet rooster I just found sitting down by my house sitting down in the grass. I went to pick him up and move him to his coop. He is now standing but is shaking from head to toe. He has had bumble foot for about a month. I've tried treating it more than once, but it wouldn't come out...
  3. B

    Newbie here

    Hello, I'm new to raising and owning chickens (hence why I joined the forum). My husband and I have fourteen chickens altogether, twelve are just over three months old and two we don't know as they were given to us by our neighbor last year. One of the adult hens, is (I believe) an Australorpe...
  4. MisaF

    Call duck with broken toe and puncture wound: Need advice on antibiotics

    Hi all, I have a call duck with what looks like a broken toe and a puncture wound. I have her inside in a clean bed and am spraying the wound with vetrimycin and using triple antibiotic ointment. I want to give her an antibiotic orally as well. Was going to try amoxicilin in her water but it...
  5. SuperC

    Building my run; what’s the best Sand Method?

    Hi all! I’m going to be a new chicken mama next week🙌🏻, and while they will be in the brooder for 2 months, I’m half way thru building a coop and will start the run in a few weeks. My plan is to put down sand for the run, but I don’t see a lot of info on “best practices” for this method. My...
  6. ElGoose

    Young seagull (?) injured wing - vets closed currently

    Found an injured young bird that looks like an adolescent seagull - I don’t think the whole wing is broken, it looks like 3 feathers specifically have been injured 😢 we managed to capture it and we’ve taped the feathers with vet wrap just to keep them in a good place. What can we do? It settled...
  7. O

    What is the best laying small breed.

    Finally talked my wife into us raising some chickens after a year. I got my coop plans and started building it. I plan having everything ready in a month or two maybe three. At 72 years old I don't move as fast as I use to. I plan on having four to six chickens tops. I could use some advice on...
  8. Alderen

    Bullying and pecking - need help and advice - I'm desperate

    I'm desperate and need any/all advice. I need to give a little back story and I'll include pictures when I can. At the end of April 2023, we purchased 6 chicks from a local feed store. 2 Starlight Green Eggers ( SGE - 2 weeks old), 2 Black Australorps (BA - 1 week old), 1 Barred Rock (BR - 1...
  9. AngelinaThePekin8

    My 6ish year old Cayuga duck has a serious limp I don't know why

    Totoro: is a Cayuga duck and is about 6 or 7 years old she's had four ducklings she recently just hatched two of them so was recently broody about 3 ish weeks ago. Weight: about 6 lbs (whatever is normal for her breed) Feed: All flock, and layer feed I don't give any supplements but hope to...
  10. Chickchick7688

    I suspect my chick is getting picked on

    Hi, I have 13 chicks ages 14 to 16 weeks and I came home from work today and one has a wound on her head. I’m not sure if she’s been getting picked on or if this is an injury that she incurred herself but I suspect it is from another chicken. I have separated her and I put her in a dog cage...
  11. ColeTrain425

    Rooster fighting

    I need suggestions and help on what I need to do or not do I raise silkies I wanted to add another roo to my flock of 8 young 2 month old hens and 4 grown hens and silkie rooster. He didn’t like that very much and when he first notice the new Cochin bantam roo he initiated a fight The were...
  12. W

    2 Week old chick w/ weak, uncooridinated legs

    I have a 2 week old Beilefelder chick that up until a couple days ago was developing normally with no issues. Suddenly her legs became very weak and uncoordinated. She seems fine otherwise. I haven't been able to find any injury, swelling, or areas that feel hotter than normal. She she is...
  13. echo392

    help plz

    does anyone know what this is or what might have caused this thing on the side of my chickens head? she also has scabs around her vent
  14. R

    Hard bottom, not egg bound

    I have an almost 3 years old Blue Sapphire chicken that has a hard bottom, not running, is always tired and not eating much. Other than her comb started to shrivel a little, she looks healthy. Her recent poop is small, green and white, which is not the most healthy poop, but she still poops (not...
  15. M

    Found an injured California quail and nowhere is willing to take her

    Found a female California quail in the road on the way home yesterday, stopped and scooped her up, I noticed immediately that she was having trouble with both her legs. Both of her wings however seem to be fine. We didn't think she would make it through the night but now that she has I'm...
  16. Cloverr39

    Need some general advice on silkie breeding and your thoughts on my birds

    I first got silkies in summer 2021. I fell in love with the breed so much that I've decided I'm going to start breeding them. I've noticed most silkies in my country (with some exceptions and good breeders) are very off looking. They have smaller crests, very poor foot feathering (it's very rare...
  17. C

    New to BYC

    Hi! I am new to BYC and this is my first time beginning to raise chickens. It’s been a long term dream for me but was temporarily put on hold during my husband’s twenty year career in the military. He has since retired from the military and is now working a job that allows us to not move around...
  18. Ginna1

    Injured duck - trying to figure out how to help

    I live close to a community duck pond and often go by to watch/feed them. I noticed a duck with what looked like a cut on it’s foot a few weeks ago. At that time it was holding it up an hopping on one foot to get around. I’ve been going by daily to feed it (duck food w/niacin), I bought some...
  19. R

    Mystery Death

    My alpha hen (Mama) just died yesterday night and I have no clue as to why. I am going to explain my set up before explaining the mystery death. First off, I have a small flock only 4 now reduced to 3. One barred rock hen (Name:O.G.), one mix hen (Name:Miss Grey), and one Maran...
  20. NubbyRyuu

    Is This Bumblefoot?

    Last night, I went into the barn to put my chickens in their coop, and I found one of my 7mo hens acting out of the ordinary, lying there in the middle of the stall (it was a horse barn). I picked her up and thought maybe the weather got to her as she just let me hold her (something she's not...
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