
  1. K

    New Member Intro

    Hello! I’m a new member! I have been coming to this page for the longest to help my chicken babies and finally I decided to become a member! I’m in Texas but I am from Georgia! I served in the Army for 6 1/2 years and now I live here with my husband, daughter, 2 dogs my cat at my 8 chickens in a...
  2. Fox_SilkieOwner

    Hi, I'm a new member

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to chickens, I got my first three in 2022 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have three (3) What breeds do you have? All my chickens are silkies (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens...
  3. GermTheoryisAhoax

    Hello from ewww york for now

    Hopefully to be moving to some place more rural. New York, although upstate... Is still not country enough. Anyone from Arkansas? How is it there? I'm looking at houses How is everyone
  4. rubixcubix11

    New Member!

    Hey! As you can probably already guess, I am a new member of BYC! :frow I live in the sunny state of Texas, and have a flock of 10 hens, with some eggs in the incubator currently as well. I have a few other animals as well, such as dogs, cats, horses, and even a ball python. I have owned...
  5. Spicychicken16

    Hello fellow chicken lovers!!

    Hello from the good ole’ Pacific Northwest! I’ve been on here for a little bit but never introduced myself so here’s a little about muah! 1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Kind of- I first got my chicks in the fall of 2020. Just as the pandemic started coming around...
  6. JusticeBrothers

    Hello from Waddell, AZ!

    Glad to finally join after reading posts for the last two years! In addition to being a flock father I own and operate Justice Brothers Ranch, a citrus and cattle operation that's been up and running since 1928. We've done a lot of things over the last 90+ years, but we've most recently wound...
  7. ChickieMama9

    Hello/thank you from MN!

    Thank you so much for accepting me (plus my flock of 9) to your fabulous community!! I don’t know why I haven’t registered til just now; I have been checking various threads regularly for the past year to answer all of my new crazy chicken mama questions. So again, thank you, thank you, from my...
  8. Missadiellis

    New member, first time with ducks!

    Hi guys! Just joined, I have 2 ducks, one male one female. I have raised them from babies. My female just started laying and I have some eggs in the incubator. Having humidity issues! I can’t keep it high enough. Her eggs have been fertile (I opened 2 of them), and I have 7 in the incubator. One...
  9. Jamiedanielle55

    New Member from Alaska!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to chickens. I just got my first few chicks about 3 weeks ago. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I currently have 8 girls. I will be getting 6 more chicks in a week and a half and another three the week after...
  10. eslyder92

    New Member and First Time Chicken Dad

    I am new to chickens. I just ordered my first 5 hens on Friday and they will be read for pick up on June4th. I ordered all Easter Eggers for my first coop I am excited about beautiful eggs I will get and think they will be an excellent addition to my family, Currently it is me, my husband, his...
  11. DoubleYolk123

    A little bit about my backyard flock

    Hi, my name is Joe I’m new to this forum, and new to keeping chickens as well. I’m just joining to learn more about my hens and solve any problems I may have with them in the future (although hopefully I won’t have too many) although unfortunately I have already had some troubles in the short...
  12. Sarag4914

    New flock member

    Hi everyone I thought it was about time I joined as I've been using the threads for information over the last few months. I became a first time chicken mama 2 weeks ago when I finally brought home my 3 silkies. They are uk LF silkies, I have a bearded red plye at 13 weeks old, a bearded...
  13. J

    Jordan from New Mexico

    Hello, I am new to raising chickens! I was around chickens often as a kid but was never responsible for them until now. I have 11- 4weeks old chicks: 2 Speckled Russian Orloffs 2 Buff Orpingtons 2 Golden Sexlinks 2 Russian Orloff X Blk Copper Merans 1 Rhode Island Red 1 Barred Rock 1 Easter...
  14. Waterfowllady

    Member Introduction

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have showed poultry since I was 5, I am still quite young but have been showing and raising birds for a while. I raise mostly ducks now. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have about 14 chickens, and maybe 40 ducks...
  15. HenzandHoundzFarm

    New to Membership, Old to Chickens!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I first got chickens when I was four years old after bugging my parents about it forever. I saved all my money and finally got some pretty hens in my life. It's all gone crazy from there. (2) How many chickens do you have right...
  16. ChickenFairy

    Hello! From your Newest member

    :lovehello! :frow I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Kara and I’m from a farm in northern Alberta. I’m a new chicken mom and I’ve come here for advice! I have 10- 7 week old chickens that are Rhode Island Red and Plymouth mix. I’ve had them for 4 weeks now. We made a temporary...
  17. Elinjay


    Hi, I'm Elinjay, I'm 19 years old. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I first got chickens about 3 weeks ago, I incubated 50 eggs and got 13 hatchlings. I'm now incubating ducks and geese (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 16 (2 chickens, a rooster and 13...
  18. HuskerHens18

    Hello from Nebraska

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have had chickens at random throughout my life. At one time we had 300 chickens wandering around the farm. Finally, about four/five years ago I ordered some chickens from a hatchery and I fell in love all over again. I'm still...
  19. Zolamarie

    Hi! New person here!

    Hi, my name is Zola. :frowI have two pet Pekin ducks named Peggy and Gus. I live in Richmond VA. Poor Gus broke his wing and is getting it amputated tomorrow so I'll probably be posting about his recovery. And if any of y'all have experienced this, I'd love to hear from you.
  20. Hayleydanger

    Hi! I'm Hayley :)

    Hi Everyone :) My name is Hayley! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I'm brand new to chickens! I got my first chicks in April. I started with two baby Silkies (Named Morticia and Gabe) and a dark Brahma (Super Hans). Super Hans turned out to be a rooster and in our...
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