This chicken is really small and shes a hen and i gave her a bath for mites and i took her out and blowdry her and she start making this noise when i pet her its like growl, is she mad at me? I put video but if it doesnt work its like growl a little bit but shes not pecking
Our Chicken to English Dictionary
A Fluff Piece
Translated from the flock at Koenig’s Coop
Through my journey with chickens and observing their behaviors and personalities, I have begun to understand their language to some extent. Just like people have different accents, different chickens...
This is a Texas A & M Roo, named Gonzo because he's always been weird. He was previously separated due to an injury and has become so aggressive, I can't reintroduce him yet (maybe he will be an appetizer and that's ok).
He has been alone now for a month aside from running around with my young...
Sooooo, these little cute babies are my pets and they frequently come to visit me on my room as you can see. They both like to sleep near me, that's what was happening in the video (and that's why they look sleepy). So, Pepeto (my rooster) did this weird noise (please, check it). Can someone...
Hello! I'm a first time duck and chicken owner and I have a question. I have 2 Anconas, 1 Cayuga, and 1 Rouen ducks and recently I've been hearing a deeper kinda quack-like noise coming from one of my ducks, I believe it's Patty the Ancona, however I read that ducklings don't get their voice...
My coturnix quail has been sick with coccidiosis, so she’s been quarantined and I’ve been treating everyone with Corid. She’s finally better but today she’s been making this weird noise at the other birds that she’s never made before. What could it mean?
I have a nearly 1 year old Speckled Sussex who's been making a peeping / squeaking noise for about a week now. She sounds sort of like a squeak toy refilling with air. She's been laying, eating, drinking, playing, etc. just fine. My other 3 gals sound totally normal.
Yesterday my Aunt...
We've had our hens for a few months and have gotten pretty used to their noises by now. But there are 2 noises that still have us puzzled.
1. Sometimes our chickens will make a crrrrrrrn noise while staring intently into space. At first we thought it was a predator warning, but when we check...