
  1. Emrosenagel

    Chicken that never stops talking, even at night

    I got a hen that never stops clucking, and yesterday I put a camera in her coop and noticed she would cluck all night long. I don’t know how long she’s been doing that, but it doesn’t seem normal. She will fall asleep, and then wake up and start clucking. It isn’t the alarm call, it’s just a...
  2. S

    Noisy chick!

    I need help! I have two chicks both 5 days old. The past two days around 7pm onwards the bigger of the two starts cheeping his head off. So loud I can hear him from downstairs over the tv. I’ve made sure they have eaten (constant supply of food) and they have clean water. I’ve raised the brooder...
  3. G

    Noisy Hens- Advice Wanted!

    Hi all, We have been raising 4 hens since they were chicks, they are just over 6 months old now. They have recently started to lay and with that they have become quite noisy throughout the day, & it is not just the “egg-song” (please see attached video). Ever since the chicks were old enough...
  4. N

    Silkie doesn’t stop cheeping

    Only one of our silkie eggs hatched and she was cheeping constantly except for at night. We’ve made sure her brooder is at about 95 degrees and put a mirror and feather duster in her brooder in case she was lonely. She only stops cheeping for maybe one minute at a time and she does not seem to...
  5. A

    Why won't my chickens be quiet?!?

    I have three chickens - two Isa browns and one leghorn. I sleep right next to my chickens so when I'm still sleeping peacefully the chickens have woken up and are squawking constantly, and I live in a close suburban street. They will not stop squawking unless they are given veggies that they...
  6. H

    Silver Apple yards or Minis???????????????????????????????

    Hello, I'm new here. I was wondering if anyone could tell me more about silver apple yards as well as the minis. How big of eggs do miniatures lay, and more importantly, are they noisy like call ducks or quiet? we have neighbors and had to get rid of our rouen ducks before due to their quacking...
  7. Jonas Fox

    Will Removing a Trouble Hen Fix My Problems?

    I need insights fam. I have four easter egger hens that I raised from chicks. One hen is especially loud, bossy, and at times aggressive to my other hens and two of my hens are very sweet and generally friendly and less noisy. The problem hen has always been a pill. The amount of noise and...
  8. GracieJ

    noisy female ducks...ideas?

    Hello, I have five male and two female call ducks and they are my babies!! However, my two females, mainly the youngest one (6mnths old) are 'calling' nearly all of the time, every 20/30 mins or so. At first I thought it was hilarious and cute (and I still do) but now I'm worried neighbours...
  9. C

    Raising Ducks in NC: Pet, Eggs, Quiet

    Hello, I've been raising chickens for several months and have loved it. I live in the Raleigh, NC area, more specifically Cary, if you are familiar with the area. I don't live on a ton of land (only about a quarter acre), but have a good space for the chickens out back. I've been thinking of...
  10. G

    should i get a hood for my geese

    My two chinese geese are still somewhat loud when my family and I go outside so we are thinking of buying them a hood like one for a falcon is this a good idea?
  11. G

    Need to stop Noisy Geese

    I have two female chinese geese that honk so much are their any methods to make them stop
  12. K.Riggs

    For the people who asknif geese are loud.

    Before i got my geese i searched a lot on this board for people talking about how loud geese are. I found the occasional person saying their geese are not too loud but most said they are very loud. I just wanted to put it out there that my pair are very quiet. It is breedeng season and even now...
  13. TheBirdLady2001

    How to stop a rooster from crowing?

    Help! I have a 7 or 8 month old rooster, named Angus. He is a sweet heart. He was the first chick I hatched in my incubator. We were hoping he was a hen, becuase we aren’t supposed to have roosters, becuase we have neighbors on either sides of us. We were hoping he wouldn’t crow, becuase we...
  14. mj79

    How to quiet loud hens?

    Hello, we added 3 new hens to our flock last spring (Wyandotte) we now have 6 total all. The older 3 have always been pretty quiet but the 3 new ones who are now full grown and laying, constantly walk around the yard clucking very loudly, they just sand there squawking like crazy (we live in the...
  15. ElanorAdler

    Noisy, impossible to please hen. Please help!

    Hello everyone! First of all, some background info that might help. I have three rescued hens from two different rescues. I got the first three ones in February last year and I got two more this year in March. The original three got along quite well. The boss, Uhura, was a bit mean with the...
  16. Amna

    Signs for the First Egg?

    I have 6 Buff Orpingtons that are about 22 weeks old. One of them (Lumos) has been squatting for about 2 to 3 weeks. Recently she has been making noise but only for a few minutes and at a certain time. Today, after I let all of them out, she has been making noise non-stop. She has also been...
  17. M

    Noisy Girl!

    Hey all! Sorry in advance this is kind of a long post. I live in a pretty urban neighborhood where chickens aren't exempt, but noise makers are. Although I planned on starting with two Buff Orpingtons pullets from the local hatchery I ended up fostering two red sex links for a friend who needs...
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