olive egger genetics

  1. C

    Fluff on olive egger’s head

    So I’ve noticed my 7-8 week old olive egger chick has developed a little poof on her head, and I was just wondering if anyone thinks she’ll have this as an adult as well. I hope she does, it’s super cute. I know that olive eggers aren’t an “official breed” so characteristics are a bit different...
  2. Z

    Having fun with egg color genetics!

    Hello everyone! I never knew how deep into genetics you can dive when you start breeding and cross breeding to get fun variances! We have a mix of egg colors coming up in our flock and I’m looking for some help in better understanding the possible outcomes, and corrections on any wrong...
  3. G


    I am hatching out F1 and F2 Olive Eggers using different hens with my welsummer rooster. Since welsummers are autosexing, would any of my chicks be? Thanks! Starlight Egger X Welsummer Easter Egger X Welsummer Olive Egger (welsummer X green easter egger) X Welsummer Olive Egger (unknown mix) X...
  4. proudduckowner22

    Olive Egger Breeding

    Hi, I got F1 olive egger roosters, whose parents are black copper maran and legbar. Was wondering if I bred the roosters to my Lohmann brown hens who lay a nice brown egg, or my buff orpington hens, will I get the green eggs that a olive egger should lay? Thanks!
  5. NinjaGamer2022

    Has anyone on here crossed a Speckled Sussex with a blue egger to create a olive egger? Is it possible?

    I read online that crossing a brown egger with blue egger with create a olive egger and Speckled Sussex lay light brown eggs so I was wondering if crossing them with a blue egger would create the expected outcome by what I've read. If anyone on here has done it pictures of the cross would be...
  6. M

    F8 Olive Eggers

    Could someone kindly explain how in the world you get F8 Olive Eggers please? Wouldn’t their offspring be every color under the rainbow? :jumpy
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