We finally found Buff Brahmas at our local TSC(Hoover's) and got four "premium pullets" (yes yes there's a reason it's in quotes lol)
We brought them home March 2nd (with an Easter Egger)
They are housed with four rowdy olive eggers who are a week older lol I swear they think they are song...
Hi everyone! I don’t have much experience breeding chickens yet, I’m just getting started. But I was wondering about the genetics of Easter eggers. Im hoping to get into breeding salmon faverolles as soon as I can get some chicks I like. I have 3 whittings true blue female chicks that I’m...
Does anyone have chickens that have green feet? My new chicks are ameraucana and Marans so I'm not sure what kind of mix she might be. I'm excited to see what she turns out to look like.
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? 15+ years
(2) How many chickens do you have right now? 121
(3) What breeds do you have? Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Marans, Wheaten/Blue Wheaten/Splash Ameraucanas, Lavender Ameraucanas, Swedish Flower Hens, Jubilee Orpingtons, Olive...
Hello! I am new to owning my own chickens. My family own a local feed store, and we sell chicks every year. This year we decided to keep some chicks for ourselves.
I have often used this forum for questions I have received from customers over the years. This forum has been a life saver!!
I hatched a dozen chicks and I got quite a few non-frizzle pullets. They'll still have colorful eggs though, and their genetics include Ameraucana (black and white splash + blue eggs) and Black Copper Maran with deep chocolate and maroon eggs. They're from local breeder Open Gate Farm's large...
So I have a blue wheaten marans cockerel that I am thinking of crossing with a few of my hens. I've been able to find very little on Google about crosses. Does anyone have pictures of their blue wheaten Marans mixes? I'd love to see any and all pictures, but especially x crested cream legbar...
The only chicken that breeds true for a remotely dark green egg is the Swedish Isbar, an expensive and hard-to-find variety which often lays disappointingly pale eggs. To remedy this, I've come up with a strategy to quickly create olive eggers that are homozygous for the blue shell base gene...
Hi- brand new to the forum! So I have two olive eggers- who’s eggs, when they first started laying, were a beautiful olive color (let’s say October). Now they are laying brown. Is this even possible?? Please let me in on the chicken secrets. Looking forward to learning from you.
These two are 8weeks now: tried to get side, tail and head shots.
Also, any guesses on their breed mix? Most EE type that I see are darker shades than mine.
We currently have a full incubator with chicks available and additional hatchings this weekend. We are NPIP and can ship weather depending. All are straight run except the Opal's.
Olive Eggers
Easter Eggers
Crele Orpington
Isabel Orpington
Opal Legbar (Male/Female)
Ameraucana's Black and...
So I've had some experience with Olive eggers, right? Right. However, its only been with Marans over Easter Egger hens. Since I love the cheekpuffs, and I'm down to one EE and one F3 Olive Egger, I thought I'd buy some more chicks come Spring.
So here's my question: what is the difference...
Hi there,
I thought I would hatch out eggs from my Easter Egger hens who were with a Black Copper Marans in an attempt to get an Olive Egger.
One of the hens is a designer Easter Egger called a Favacouna by My Pet Chicken. Apparently it is an Easter Egger x Faverolles cross.
There are two...
Hi! I'm new to BackYard Chickens.
I've raised chicken for years now, but I am wanting to learn more about different breeds. I am very interested in the Black Copper Marans and the Olive Layers. I love the dark chocolate and olive look of the eggs. I am thinking seriously thinking about...
Got these cuties yesterday at a local feed that had a huge line out the door. The lady gave them to me so fast I just had to go home and research who is who. Here’s the list of breeds I got. Help me match the correct chick breed.
Ameraucana, welsummer,
Olive egger, silver laced Wyandotte and...
On one side we have the ultra-rare breed whose name is the Isbar, known as the only purebred and single comb chicken that lays green eggs on earth.
On the other side we have Olive Eggers, known to most people as Rooster Marans x Ameraucana hen hybrids (though there are other cross varieties...
Hi all!
I'm looking for a pair of Olive Egger pullets in or around Nashville, TN. My current babies are 6 weeks and I'd like to add the Olive Eggers to this flock. Anyone nearby have a pair for sale?
We are moving to California in a few months and I don't know if I will be able to bring my Blue Wheaten Ameraucana, Wilbur. I added him to my flock so I could get Olive Egger babies, and now that I don't know if I'll him as long as I'd like I went out and got an incubator for my birthday. : D...
I'm new to genetics, can anyone tell me if you can get autosexing chicks from Silver Crested Cream Legbars and Cuckoo Marans?
I know if you put a black rooster with the Cuckoo's, they'll be autosexing, and Cream Legbars are autosexing by themselves, or you can put Bielefelders and CLs together...