opinion needed

  1. D

    Please help! Why does my duck sometimes struggle to poop?

    I’ve noticed this while watching her, but sometimes she seems to have a hard time pooping. She’ll poop about half of it then stop for some seconds and poop the other half out after. Please help, any help would be greatly appreciated. Is it serious? -She’s a Pekin duck -She is a year and a half...
  2. Y

    Advice needed! Do ducks with liver disease from wrong nutritions and malnutrition require medication to get better or are just vitamins good?

    Please help! it’s our first time having ducks, so we’re having some trouble. We fed her a lot of food that wasn't supposed to be eaten long term, but we’re doing our best to fix this mistake. Any advice is appreciated!
  3. Coopin Is a Habit

    Woods Open Air Coop Scaled Down (Can I do a 4 x 10?)

    Hello everyone! I am completely new to chickens and coop building as well as having minimal building experience. I am operating on a budget and have acquired a lot of free lumber to build a coop for my 8 ladies who grow significantly every day. I decided that Woods' Open Air Poultry House is the...
  4. Oldegarlicshnapp

    Which serama should I show? (Photos)

    If someone could take a look at my birds and see which I should put into show, I’d appreciate it. I’ve never showed before but I’m excited to try my hand on October 22nd’s serama show! My Males: 1 Splash (alpha) 1 Blue/Grey/Silver solid (beta) My Females: 1 pattern I can’t describe 1...
  5. JinHayabusa

    Opinions about my Sussex Rooster

    1-Hello folks, i want to use this rooster for offspring. İ want to compete at Turkey with his offsprings. Federation keep telling me “rooster’s collar so dark, against standards”. i selected this bird cause this colour coming only 1 of 100 egg. İs my rooster okey with other parts ? Tail, stance...
  6. 6

    What’s your opinion on Mealworms?

    Hello fellow chicken lovers! I was wondering what everyone’s opinions are concerning the feeding of mealworms to chickens? This thread might also possibly help others, find a lot of information/opinions in one place, concerning mealworms. Do you feed a handful daily? Twice a week? Once a...
  7. Cape parrot

    Bielefelder chickens

  8. Madimhunter

    6 week olds introduced to the flock.. I have questions!

    Hi everyone! For the past two weeks, I have implemented the “look but no touch” method of starting introductions of my new babes to the flock by keeping them inside the coop in a small metal kennel. Today, I let them run free in the coop! I made an opening in the kennel only big enough for the...
  9. Madimhunter

    Heat lamp for chicks in 85 degree weather?

    Hi all! Just wanted some opinions. Do my three week old chicks need a heat lamp in 85 degree weather? They are in my garage and it is quite warm in there.
  10. Q

    Lavender Orpington 4 Week Old Sex?

    Hello, I am a new chicken owner and have a straight run of 7 Lavender Orpington Chickens. We bought seven in hopes of having at least two hens. We are almost sure that 4 are cockerels and at least one is a pullet. We are unsure of 2 but leaning towards cockerel for one and completely unsure of...
  11. Vhope77

    Incubation help please

    i have eggs on day 15 I know that most of them may not be good as the temp went up over 103 degrees for a few days due to a bad thermometer but I need a second opinion . There a four eggs I know are good and going to hatch but the rest are questionable to me the four that are good look like the...
  12. Kimmyh51

    Ducks head wounds, whats doing it? Slightly graphic photos)

    hi guys. I have had a number of the wild mallards that live here, show up with really nasty abrasions all around the same area of their head lately. all of the ducks were wild mallards, none of my domestic ducks have been attacked. Most of the ducks were juvenille females. One was a 2&1/2...
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