
  1. BuergsChickens

    ISO White Orpington Hatching Eggs

    Hello, I am in search of White Orpington Hatching eggs that can get shipped via mail, or somewhere in the north western states (Montana, Wyoming, Washington, ect...) I would be interested in a few dozen for spring, i would like to know if they are from dominant white stock, as that's what I need.
  2. S

    Chicken pecking at food and missing.

    Hi there, I have a one year old buff Orpington hen who seems to be feeling unwell. I noticed a couple days ago she started looking sick. Her tail down, pale face and generally not as happy to see me as she normally is. I firstly suspected that she was just going through a rough moult but im not...
  3. pickledhill

    2.5 month old Bonita not walking well—losing will to eat/drink:(

    Our girl Bonita (Lavender Orpington): We made a huge mistake at the beginning by putting straw around the inside perimeter of their brooder. The primary substrate was wood flakes, but we wanted to insulate them with it being November cold. We quickly learned that it was too slick for their baby...
  4. OrpingtonManiac

    Gold laced Orpington genetics?

    Although i'm not breeding chickens myself, i am very interested in orpington genetics. I have a few questions (all are on orpingtons): What chickens would you breed together to get gold laced orpingtons? How does the genetics for gold laced work? For example, is it recessive or sex-linked etc...
  5. S

    Silkie and Polish hens free BAY AREA SF

    I have one pure white silkie, one brown silkie cross, a lavender Orpington, a Polish hen and a Polish rooster (doesn’t identify as a rooster, makes zero sound and lays on eggs) who are 1.5 years old and need a new home. They lay well besides in winter, and come with a free 1.5 year old coop and...
  6. C

    So confused with my lavender orpingtons and golden comets hatchlings

    Hello, we have just hatched some eggs today from our own chickens. I am confused by their appearance as the only black animals on the farm are goats and pigs! We have two lavender orpington hens and two lavender orpington roos. They are related as I understand, my friend gave them to me. 3...
  7. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Buff Orpington’s

    Hi all, I got two buffs and was wondering if yall can confirm gender one is 16 weeks+ and the other im unsure, she also has broken pin tail feathers ( like it when I bought her) Here are the two, let me know ASAP please 🙏
  8. MamaNewcomer

    Two free, adorable Buff Orpingtons ready for duty!! Pinellas County Fl

    Hello hello! Who wants a couple of pet roosters who are very good to their humans and hens of all ages? Come take a look at the combo known as Fluffy and Waffles! We did the chicken math, and even if we could hide both of them from the chicken police, we don’t have enougn ladies for the two of...
  9. MamaNewcomer

    Hand raised Buff Orpington Roosters are in need of help finding a new home.

    Hello everyone! I live in Pinellas County where roosters and flocks larger than four aren’t allowed. Well… I have six chickens and I think two of my three buff Orpingtons are sweet, funny, friendly roosters. Fluffy was born around early June. He is gorgeous, smart, great with my kids (4yo and...
  10. Henora

    What gave him this color/pattern? what do I call it? Do you think he's pretty?

    This (11 wk old) cockerel is from a Jubilee Orpington rooster and a (maybe? mix?) black wynadotte/Orpington hen (last pic, she carries the mottling gene and has produced some black with white mottling chicks). He was very slow to feather, and his feathers are as iridescent as they look in the...
  11. H

    What color is this??

    I picked these two gals up from a breeder who only does chocolate orps (normal, molted and cuckoos) . They're from the same batch of eggs( choc × cuckoo). Obviously one of these girls is plain Jane chocolate. But the other is 2 tone(she was the only one from that batch that was this color and...
  12. Stella2

    14 week Buff Orpington

    We have 5 chickens,all supposed to be pullets that are now 14 weeks. These guys are free range, only in the coop at night and when rains. Everything was good up until about a month or so ago, our went from being the friendliest in the flock to the meanest. She's a huge bully and it's affecting...
  13. H

    Oddball Orpington-what color??

    I picked these two gals up from a breeder who only does chocolate orps (normal, molted and cuckoos) . They're from the same batch of eggs( choc × cuckoo). Obviously one of these girls is normal chocolate. But the other is 2 tone(she was the only one from that batch that was this color and the...
  14. Cedarview

    New Member Intro

    Hi! First Post here! I Love Orpington's, Cochins and can't say no to a beautiful faverolle. The Orps are my passion and I have set out to have as high quality orps staying as close to the English SOP as I can. I currently have Black, Blue, Splash, Isabel Chocolate silver laced and Silver Laced...
  15. EdgeSilkies

    Lavender Orpingtons

    Hey!! I got four Lavender Orpingtons from Cackle and they are very healthy happy chicks that are all supposed to be pullets. They’re 3 weeks old and as I’m sure it’s too soon to tell if I ended up with what I ordered I do have a question… Are Orpington chicks typically difficult to sex based...
  16. C

    Chocolate orpington 7wk old pullet vs cockerel

    Hello! I hatched a few chocolate orpington chicks from stock that is not autosexing and am wondering if I have pullets or cockerels. They are seven weeks old. There are two that I am confident are cockerels with large red combs and wattles, and then a couple that I can’t figure out - I attached...
  17. LouiseKP

    Help! is this really an orpington?

    so about three months ago i bought three orpington chicks, i didnt notice anything weird about them, but then one startet growing quite the hairdoo. so i was wondering if anyone could tell me where this is an orpington or not, and in that case what else could she be? :D
  18. T

    Blue Orpington?

    Hi all, Just quick question. I bought hatching eggs at our local sale barn. Supposed to be lavender and lavender cuckoo only but this little guy looks like a blue one? Or is it just a darker lavender breed? Just curious if anyone else thinks it looks blue. He/she is the only one out of 13 others.
  19. Azaia

    "Exhibition Quality Buff Orpingtons"

    Hello All :frow I've recently hatched some Exhibition Quality Buff Orpingtons (as described in the title by the seller) from a trusted seller in the UK who has seemingly great reviews on Ebay. The chicks looks great little examples of the breed. But, I have never hatched Buffs before, I have...
  20. SuperC

    Mystery Sex of Orpington

    Hi y’all! So my most favorite chicken is making nervous and keeping me guessing on Sex. I will attach some photos to show what I mean, but there are some heavy weights on each side of the gender scale. Stats: “Lavender” Orpington from light grey parents who seems to have had a very strong red...
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