
  1. DHaines

    Night dangers for ducks

    We have a good sized coop that our ducks sleep in at night. It is pretty solid. The ducks enter the coop on their own as soon as it starts to get dark. Tonight I went out to close up the coop door (it is about 2’x2’), a bit later than normal (got distracted), and I saw a great example of why it...
  2. rod5591

    Will an owl take a chicken roosted in a tree at night?

    My younger birds roost up in a Douglas Fir tree. Will an owl try to take one at night? There was a loud commotion (chicken alarm calls) at 9 p.m. and when I hurried out I heard wings flapping away( I think…). Do owls pick off roosting chickens at night?
  3. Y

    Chicken killed by Unusual predator

    Hi all I live in Sydney australia and notice today one of my chickens is dead. The nature of the kill is very odd I found it out in the open no feathers anywhere or real mess and the head and neck only eaten. I have had kills with foxes where they have left the body years ago but always had...
  4. fowl enemy

    fowl enemy

    owl caught up in bird netting trying to get baby pheasants i know not poultry just be prepared for predators
  5. Great Horned Owl

    Great Horned Owl

    Great Horned Owl asleep in a tree during the day.
  6. Owl At Sunset

    Owl At Sunset

    A Great Horned Owl perched in a tree at sunset.
  7. DuckMama9

    How to keep Owls Away

    I am raising backyard ducklings and there’s an owl(s) in the neighborhood. One swooped down over my flock twice one morning and I had to scare it off. This morning it picked up and took the head clean off of a young dove in my yard! I can’t help but think that could’ve been one of my...
  8. C

    What predator killed one of my girls? :'( unpleasant pic in post

    Hi, I'm just trying to find some answers as I'm worried about our other 2 girls. Sorry for anyone who has experienced loss(es) to predators, it's truly heartbreaking. We thought our flock was pretty safe, walled garden in an urban area surrounded by trees and neighbours with dogs, so they...
  9. centrarchid

    Great-horned Owl Fun in 2019

    An owl just came in. It did not go into barn. Carcass used placed in front of camera not touched. Dogs were fired up, but had trouble locating it. Owl was trying to get at a couple of penned birds and may have gotten briefly hung up in the process. It may have flown into pen as I approached...
  10. P

    i searchin koroski owl pictures

    I need koroski owl pictures for my website my web site : pigeontype.info other owl pigeons : http://www.pigeontype.info/category/owl-pigeons/
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