peafowl eggs

  1. KsKingBee

    Peafowl eggs 2025

    We are taking pre-orders for pea eggs for the 2025 season. We are offering eggs from our Pied pen which produces all of the white patterns, White, Pied, Dark Pied, White Eye, and Silver Pied chicks and from our mixed Sex-link pen that will produce Cameo, Purple, Violet, and Peach in a variety...
  2. 3RLivestockandFowl

    Hatching Eggs- Breeder Requirements

    Hatching Eggs - I would like everyone's opinion.... What do you consider to be the fulfillment of a breeder's responsibility in selling hatching eggs? Is it that the eggs are to be fertile and in adequate condition to hatch under normal circumstances. Would you consider the breeder's side of...
  3. F

    PLEASE HELP! Eggs dying before hatching?

    I have hatched peacock eggs for a couple of years now and have always had good hatch rates. Usually I have a 90% hatch rate but lately I have had about 25%. Pretty much all of the eggs are fertile and seem healthy right up till it’s time to hatch and then they die. They don’t even internally...
  4. NatureGirl74

    First egg not fertile, could the others be

    The first egg my peahen laid didn't have a bullseye in it. She's laid 3 other eggs and hasn't laid for a few days. If the first egg wasn't fertile could the rest of the clutch be fertile?
  5. achiapponi

    Peafowl egg preparation advice...

    Hi all! I am new to back yard chickens but, have been reading the threads for years. I purchased some Peafowl last year and now have 3 cocks a purple, IB and one that looks like it's a BS white maybe (need help telling what that one is). The white is a yearling. Also, I have a 2 or 3 year old...
  6. Mrshuckleberry

    Congo peafowl?

    Hello! I have been going down a rabbit hole looking into Congo peafowl (Afropavo congensis). These birds seem wonderful, but am sad to see they are on the IUCN Readlist vulnerable species list. I am having trouble finding much information on breed activity reported after 2016 and no information...
  7. NatureGirl74

    Why is my peacock sitting on eggs?

    My peahen just started laying this clutch of eggs. There are only two eggs so far. Several times I have found the peacock sitting on the eggs though. He hasn't broke any or been aggressive. Why is he sitting on the eggs though instead of her?
  8. FeatherTay

    Another Hatching Thread?! - Peacocks, Jubliee Orps, Lavender Ameraucanas, and Laughing Chickens ❣️❣️

    Yes you heard me right. I’m gonna be setting more eggs tonight. It will be: 6 Peafowl eggs 5 Lavender Ameruacana eggs 7 Jubilee Orpington eggs 6 Ayam Ketawa (laughing chicken) eggs The peacock eggs are gonna be questionable if anything’s forms, so i’m not getting my hopes up. The first...
  9. S

    Light question

    New peafowl owner here. Have 1 peacock n 2 hens. Now that laying season is just about here and they are all 21/2 yrs old, do the hens need more daylight hours like chickens do to lay ?
  10. Peytonandpancakes

    Peafowl Eggs

    My daughter and I would like to hatch a few peafowl eggs. Do breeders ever sell their eggs? If so, I would love to know where to purchase some fertile eggs. Otherwise, is it possible to hatch peafowl eggs offered for sale online? My daughter thinks the hate rate would be very low if at all. I...
  11. C

    Advice re harching peafowl eggs

    Hi, I was hoping to get some advice on how to best hatch peafowl eggs. I've never done it before and really want to get it right or the best I can they'll be arriving in the next week or so, so I want to be as prepared as I can be. Thanks in advance
  12. S

    Hatching days

    Okay so let me start by explaining! I have two peafowl eggs in the incubator right now. I put them in on April 10th at 1:00pm, but I counted that as day 0. Peafowl eggs go into lockdown on day 26. Tomorrow will be day 25 but technically at 1:00 wouldn’t it be day 26? Should I go ahead and put...
  13. Takeylla

    Looking for Fertile eggs to hatch

    My boyfriend's parents have 3 hens and 1 has been broody for maybe a month or so now. They said I can get some eggs for her, and the types of eggs we're looking for is geese, guineas, chickens, pheasants, quail, or peafowl eggs that are hatching eggs for the broody mama. :)
  14. JordanFamily

    Incubating peafowl eggs. Is air cell ok for day 12?

    Ok guys... it’s been years since I incubated eggs last, and my new incubator says one humidity on its digital read out and my two different hygrometer/ thermometers in it say two different readings. Incubator will say 64 and the two inside at egg level say 51 and 55. Please take a look at these...
  15. JordanFamily

    Incubating peafowl eggs. Is air cell ok for day 12?

    Ok guys... it’s been years since I incubated eggs last, and my new incubator says one humidity on its digital read out and my two different hygrometer/ thermometers in it say two different readings. Incubator will say 64 and the two inside at egg level say 51 and 55. Please take a look at these...
  16. Mahapoultry

    ISO Peafowl & Pheasants

    Hi, I'm searching for different bloodlines of Peafowl and pheasants. I am willing to do eggs, makes shipping much easier on everyone. If you, or you know someone that has a really good stock, please contact me at [email protected] with all the info, and maybe some pictures of the stock...
  17. Kedreeva

    [S] Purple Peafowl Eggs

    My purple pen is currently laying, and I will soon have set all the eggs I want to for the year. As such, I am listing batches of eggs to ship starting April 15th. We will I accept payment through PayPal (I can email an invoice to be paid by credit card, too, I believe). The first two batches...
  18. AlishaRichard

    Seeking All Poultry Types Eggs or birds

    So I recently baught a farm and am just starting out on several flocks. I have listed my preference, but will consider anything. I just got a GQF cabinet for my birthday. I am willing to hatch eggs or buy live birds. Let me know what you have. I am wanting: Peafowl Call Ducks Guinea Geese...
  19. F

    Request for information about Peacocks

    We have recently moved to Grenada and acquired 1 peacock & peahen. We picked them up 2 days ago with 1 egg. Yesterday there were 2 more eggs. We have secured them in a shaded area My questions are:- How long do we need to keep them secured prior to letting them roam free? How would I know if the...
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