
  1. faithsbrood

    Our new cockerel Lenny - I love him to bits!!!

    Hi all, Thought I’d make a wee post to show off the cockerel I picked up recently - I’m sure he’s a bit of a mutt but I know he’s a bantam of some sort (he’s much smaller than all the hens). I was thinking he could be part silkie because of his feather texture but then again he doesn’t have the...
  2. couplepekins

    What colour is my Pekin/Cochin Bantam Rooster?

    Hi Everyone, I am curious what colour my 7 month old rooster could throw to his offspring. I was told he is a Cuckoo but I'm not sure if that means blue/black base colour or how it all works when it comes to Cuckoo/Barred in a Pekin. Thank you!
  3. couplepekins

    Curious what a pilkie x pekin bantam looks like

    Hello, I have a hen who is a silkie x pekin and a rooster who is a pure pekin. My hen, daphne, looks like a pekin but with a silkie bowl-cut hairdo. I was curious if anyone has had this combo before and how the chicks ended up looking? I feel like they would look just like a pekin. 🐣 Thanks!
  4. J

    Duck losing waterproofing

    Hello. I have a 1 year old Pekin duck and I've noticed that these last few days she gets wet really east and her feathers look weird. I think she is losing her waterproofing and I've read that her oil gland could be clogged but I have fear of check her gland and hurt her. What I can do? She has...
  5. H

    Duck Fight! Who is to blame and what should I do? Video and explanation in the post!

    this is my intro post i copied and pasted it here since it gives some background.. as does the description box on the video Hello, I have taken over the care of my elderly parents ducks. They have three female ducks and One drake/One Female pair. The female living with the drake was broody last...
  6. P

    Dark egg but there’s a lot of movement, HELP!

    So my duck egg has gone dark at one end? Have candled and there is still a lot of movement? Please help me! Is this normal ?
  7. muddypaw66

    Northern California (Sacramento County) 4 Pekin Ducks abandoned by owner

    Hey there, I am helping a friend whose elderly neighbor lost his home and moved into his car. He left behind 4 Pekin ducks who were his pets. They are about 2-ish years old, and they are thought to be males. There have been no babies over there since he got them, so they're not a mixed-sex...
  8. R

    Pekin acting strange

    Hi all! I have a 2 year old female Pekin named Alfie who lives with a rouen sister and our flock of chickens. Last Sunday, we thought Alfie might be egg bound. She was standing with her tail and bottom down, pulsing her vent, and wings spread out. I brought her inside for two nights and...
  9. Gavin_H

    Breeder Drake Ducks (Sold Seperate) - $35

    CL Post Young Breeder drake ducks raised with heritage traits with Agnus Dei Method. Agnus Dei Method uses practical breeding and raising for maximum foraging potential, fertility, predatory awareness, and other desirable traits. These breeder drakes are incredible foragers, foraging for most...
  10. Nenanicole

    Molting in the snow?!

    Is molting on 8 month old pekins, normal for this time of year? My pekins have started to molt. One of my girls has a little blood on her wing and but it doesn’t seem to bother her, and the other ones arent picking on her. I’m worried since we live in Michigan and have snow on the ground… it...
  11. IMG_0887.jpeg


    4 weeks old Pekin
  12. C

    Broken dry Pekin laying duck feathers

    I have a two year old happy laying Pekin, she is my only duck that has feathers with this broken dry appearance. Is there anything I can change for her feather health to improve. She has access to fresh water daily, free roaming as well.
  13. D


    I have a 3 year old Pekin duck who has never given me any problems. She is pretty shy and does not like people to touch her. Today she was standing in the corner away from the flock which I found weird. Then I took a closer look and her backside was covered in blood. We looked closer and it’s...
  14. D

    Egg Bound Pekin

    Seeking creative ideas or wisdom here…. I’m at my wits end trying to win the war over this egg bound duck. Pekin duck, been about two weeks now of being egg bound. We have her 90% better except we can’t get this darn egg out. Her swelling is down, her tummy feathers are growing back in. She’s...
  15. Yaras3

    Female Pekin ducks mating age

    Hi everyone 👋🏻 I would like to start off with saying how I am thankful for everyone here and how they and this website helped me and helped saving my babies numerous times. Thank you all. I have 5 pekin ducks, 3 males and 2 females (I know the proportions is a bit risky but we didn’t know the...
  16. N

    My poor Daisy duck got attacked by a fox, need advice

    Hello, I have been reading BYC for the last 6.5 weeks or so since we got 4 baby Pekin ducks from the 4-H building at our county fair. They were all doing well after reading here about Niacin deficiency, buying the treatment and administering it as I read here on BYC. Night before last a red...
  17. Flutterbudget

    What on earth is this? Help!

    I’m pretty sure it came from one of my drakes but not 100%. I just saw him shaking his beak back and forth like he was attempting to dislodge something or wasn’t keen on what he’d eaten. He’s vocalising and breathing normally but seems hesitant to eat. Would not eat millet and has had only...
  18. H

    Missing Pekin after storm

    I have two Pekin girls that are about 4months old. We had a big storm last night, one of many this year, and today I only have one girl. We live on a golf course with a pond and even though we built a beautiful coop- they free range. Never come in at night. Party all day with their mallard...
  19. Horou

    Any Tips on preventing stinky water bowl??

    Boba has a gallon bucket with a hole on the side of it cut out, and softened the edges with a lighter. This acts as a bigger water bowl for Boba. Since she goes through more water than any other human in this household 😂😂 (we swapped to this from a normal bowl => water dispenser for dogs => to...
  20. Horou

    What are these brown spots showing up on her beak

    What are these brown spots showing up on her beak? She never had these, and these just started to pop up. I’m unsure if it will be helpful or related, but… She also recently, for 2 weeks, she has been laying 1 egg a day, or two if she felt like it. Its also her first year laying. I’ve never...
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