I have an 18 week old gray Green Queen rooster in need of a flock to protect/lead. This is Graybeard. He’s a little timid and has never tried to hurt or attack us. We hatched four chicks this summer and three were roosters so unfortunately we need to find them homes. I’d like to find him a...
I have an 18 week old gray Green Queen rooster in need of a flock to protect/lead. This is Graybeard. He’s a little timid and has never tried to hurt or attack us. We hatched four chicks this summer and three were roosters so unfortunately we need to find them homes. I’d like to find him a...
Hello all,
I have a Golden Laced Wyandotte rooster that I need to rehome. I bought all pullets from Tractor Supply in April and ended up with 1 rooster. He is too noisy for where I am located and we need to find him a new home ASAP.
hi everyone! I’ve had two male ducks, (the yellow beek is a saxony and grey beek is a welsh harlequin) for 5 years come September. Unfortunately I’m going to be moving away for college in August and have no other option than to rehome them. They are both very sweet and bestfriends. The...
Black Sex Links
~ (AKA Black Stars) ~
Are finally here!
Hatched in Small Batches, Contact to Confirm Availability
A Waitlist is Available!
What is a Black Sex Link...
Lock down your coop, there is around 8000 mink escaped from the fur farm recently. :(
Hatched this baby myself :(
I keep two ducks as pets and him being a Drake is difficult when he tries to keep him and the hen more distant from me. Very socialized but likes his personal space. Must be a good home kept for breeding and/or pet. He’s the one on the left in the photo, about a month...
A friend of mine brought this to my attention....
Lower Providence Township in eastern Pennsylvania will vote to virtually eliminate the ownership of all chickens in their community. There will be a meeting July 20th at 7pm to vote in an extremely unfair amendment to their rules.
I don't live...
Hello everyone! We are looking to purchase a home in PA, most likely looking in the York, and Adams County areas. Even though this is farming country I soon realized that a lot of these townships arent chicken friendly... I had called a township because we were driving around and saw a house and...
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
I have raised ducks, chickens, guineas in the past. I now just have Pilgrim geese for the last 2 years.
(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
I have had as many as 20 - currently I have 4 until hatching season starts again...
Hello All:
I am a recent new homesteader and backyard chicken owner; living in Eastern PA. I bought my first set of chicks in June and received them on August 16th 2022. I have a total of 6 chickens; 2 WHITE Rocks, 2 Rhode Island REDs, and 2 BLACK Australorps. I built a 6 x 6 x 5 foot coop and...
coop and run
coop and run construction
coop arrangement
homestead chickens
homesteaders life
run construction
run design
run fencing
south eastern pennsylvania
Hello All:
I am a new member to homesteading and backyard chickens; living in Eastern PA. I bought my first set of chicks in June and received them on August 16th 2022. I have a total of 6 chickens; 2 WHITE Rocks, 2 Rhode Island REDs, and 2 BLACK Australorps. I built a 6 x 6 foot coop and a...
Hello all
Looking for some help
Have four Rouen and a Indian runner who I thought when a duckling was a pekin.
Bought the four and couldn’t leave her there all alone.
Would like to find a friend for the ugly duckling, lol locally
The Results Are In
Every year we wait for a silly ground hog to predict the weather. And of course he is never correct.
Well, forget about that silly ground hog who is never right. Pennsylvania Phyllis has been 100% correct in her predictions to date. She has made her prediction for 2022...
I have two female Pekin ducks. I got them as ducklings in 2019. I absolutely love them and I don't want to give them up unfortunately I'm moving somewhere I can't take them. I also would worry about moving them over state lines and a long drive even if I could. One is healthy. The other has some...
Hello! I have three roosters that need a new home... We really cannot keep these three roosters. They are now 13 weeks old, crowing, jousting with each other. I apologize, I don't have a recent picture right now, but here is what they looked like about 6 weeks ago. Russell, (northwestern) PA.
Hello! I have two beautiful roosters that I can no longer keep to do neighbor complaints. I ended up with 3 roosters last year and want to try to re home two that get along with each other well and can be kept in the same coop. Bernie Sanders is a white Polish and Grand Duke maybe be a silver...