
  1. B

    Sick Peach Golden?

    My male peach golden pheasant is 2 years old. Always been healthy, he’s recently started throwing his head backwards and his feathers are ruffled and keeps eyes closed. I originally thought gape worm, but I’m not sure that’s it. He’s been given dewormer. It’s like his crop is full? What should I...
  2. General-Tso

    Anybody got any experience with ringneck pheasants?

    Hey guys. I was thinking about possibly getting some ringneck pheasants eventually at some point in the far future but I had a few questions about them out of sheer curiosity. I’ve never had much experience with ringnecks outside of hunting season so any response is greatly appreciated. 1. Can...
  3. AuroraClover

    Aurora's Clover

    Hello! We're a new member and we're here to introduce ourselves. We're a large family with lots of small children and we're going to be raising wild game (grouse, prairie hens, turkeys, and pheasants) on our small acreage in California. Cheers!
  4. L

    Is this normal breathing and chirping?

    This is a baby pheasant, late to hatch. I just cleaned out his nose and am worried this is not normal chirping or breathing: (two videos in one) (first time raising chicks). Please let me know!!
  5. P

    Pheasant with twisted leg. Please help! Last attempt to save him.

    Hi, I’ve got a pheasant chick who I thought had spraddle leg, he was hobbled for 4 days and then was able to walk. I noticed when he was about 2 weeks he was twisting in the body over to one side and since then his leg has deteriorated badly. He’s now nearly 4 weeks and his leg sticks out at an...
  6. LRH Farms

    Pheasant recipes

    Hey everyone, I bread, hatched and raised a bunch of pheasants last season and ended up with a bunch of pheasant meat in the freezer. I wanted to open up this thread for people to post their favorite pheasant recipe.
  7. MeanCheek

    Decorative grass (Carl Forester, I think the name is) safe to go in pheasant and coturnix coop?

    Can I plant a decorative grass in with my pheasant and quail? Grass is grass right?
  8. Hiram Means

    What would a Lady Amherst's X Yellow Golden Pheasant Hybrid look like?

    I AM BY NO MEANS INTENDING TO DO THIS CROSS But out of curiosity, I'm wondering if anyone has ever encountered a YELLOW golden pheasant X Lady Amherst's Hybrid. I have seen many pics of the Red Golden hybrid, but never a Yellow Golden Hybrid. Have these ever been created? Also, is it possible...
  9. NinjaGamer2022

    Do you need a license to own Chukar and/or Pheasants in Ohio?

    I may in the further future get some of these birds if I can own them without a license. Thx,
  10. S

    ISO silver pheasants in Michigan

    I am looking for some silver pheasants, preferably 1 or 2 years old, but I will take younger pheasants if need be. I live in West Michigan, willing to pick up or meet somewhere.
  11. Chicks in VA

    anybody want a male ring neck pheasant

    Hi, I have some male ring neck pheasants they are $30 to homes where they will be pets or for breeding purposes! I'm located in Amherst VA. I will post pics on Tuesday, I'm going out of town tomorrow so i will not reply until Tuesday
  12. Farmchickstogo

    Help with hatching pheasant

    Hi everyone, I just signed up because I’m really worried about this little guy and would really like some input. okay so I have a pheasant egg that pipped about 28-30 hours ago, and it has made little progress and I have helped a little bit by moving away some shell, I’m pretty sure there is...
  13. Pheasant fan Colorado

    I have a few questions about Eliot's pheasants.

    I just purchased a 2 year old male. he is in a pen that is about 15 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 8 feet tall, that also houses my mandarin duck pair, single male peacock, two roosters and a crap ton of pigeons. I have the following questions, 1. I payed $60 for mine, is that a fair price? 2...
  14. Betny991

    Wild ring neck pheasant!

    Hi! I love all animals so much. I have been a bird watcher for years but never seen any pheasants. They are basically extinct in the wild where I live. Starting like 2 months ago there’s a wild male that hang out with my chickens all day every day. Most likely he was released for hunting and...
  15. oakridgefarm

    Turkey Pheasant Hybrid

    I can find no recent information or research online regarding turkey pheasant hybrids. There are some historical articles, however, nothing seems to indicate the ability as of recent inquiries. Well, here we have a turkey pheasant hybrid incubated from a egg we took from our blue slate hen. We...
  16. oakridgefarm

    Turkey- Pheasant Cross?

    Hello! I am new here, not new to chickens (and an aviary with many other types of birds). I have a very interesting question. I have tried to research and cannot find anything. I have a solo turkey hen in the aviary and a ring-neck pheasant pair. The male pheasant has been "mating" with my...
  17. welcome to the grand illusion

    welcome to the grand illusion

    two week old pheasant resting comfortably on batch of chicken eggs
  18. GoldenFlight

    Pheasant/chicken hybrid photos

    So for years I’ve been very interested in pheasant/chicken hybrids and I’ve always enjoyed finding pictures and videos of them. The issue is though, that it’s really a pain to find them sometimes, so I decided to collect every picture I could and post them in one spot. If you have any pictures...
  19. P

    Hatching eggs - Edwards Pheasant

    Hello, Three days ago, my Edward's pheasant hen (Lophura edwardsi) started laying eggs again. I want to sell the first clutch of eggs. Yet, I have 3 eggs, and she will lay 4 to 7 eggs in total. In the past years, my couple had eggs and chicks every year. Is anyone intrested in (some) of the...
  20. 4

    Chickens noisiest amongst poultry

    I have ranked poultry by noise level according to information I could find. Do you agree? Feel free to post your own rankings. 1. Chickens (Rooster crows are really loud) 2. Geese Eastern Eurasia derived (Africans are loud and super Africans even more so) 3. Guineafowl 4. Turkeys 5...
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