Hi, I show through my high schools FFA chapter. I have been showing for 2 years and have owned 12 birds over those 2 years. I have a silver laced polish cock that would like some company. I want one or two friendly (not timid) pullets preferably silver laced, but I understand if that is too...
I’ve been looking for some Polishes to get so that I can add some new fancy chicks in my flock. I want them here before March, because I want them to be old enough for me to go on vacation in May and not worry about them. Blue or buff is preferred, but I like any color, as they are all pretty...
8 week old Polish Tolbunt! What would you say the gender is?!?!?¿¿
The other chicks I have started pecking at its head so the middle is growing back. If it looks funny, that's why. (:
Hey there, I wanted a general opinion of the public, if you had to choose from buff laced polish or golden laced polish, which one would you go for ?
Hey there, im a breeder and have been breeding for the past 2 years, I breed Brahma chickens, but recently I've been attracted a lot to the polish chickens, however, I only want to select one color and breed the polish's, I came down to 2 options, the buff laced color or the white-crested black...