polish chick

  1. Liv_loves_chickens

    In need of Polish Chicks, Where to Get Them?

    Hello! I am a member of 4-H and have been showing chickens at the fair for 10 years (this is one of my last years). I have had polish chickens before and they are definitely one of my favorite breeds. I would love to get some polish chicks soon so I can show them at the fair this summer, however...
  2. UpstateChickenLady

    Polish Color Genetics HELP!

    Can anyone determine the parentage and/or sex of this chick that came from a mixed Polish coop? Roo: Silver Laced Hens: Golden laced, Silver laced, White, White crested black, and Buff laced (Pictures of chick and Roo included.)
  3. DWClay

    7 Week Old Gold Laced Polish Gender

    Hello Everyone! I'm a new chicken mom and am excited to be a new member of BYC! I've seen a lot of these kinds of posts and have stared at my 7 week old polish chick until he/she thinks I'm probably crazy 🤣 So experts, please give me your opinion! Do I have a Jean-Ralphio or a Josephine...
  4. MsFroppy

    Polish chick color identification help??

    Hi! I just hatched these polish babies a few days ago, but since they’re my first polish chicks I’m not familiar with identifying the coloring. I hatched them from a mixed batch of eggs, so I don’t really know what I ended up with. The possibilities as far as I know are • White Crested Black •...
  5. H

    Polish Chicken Genetics

    I want to make sure I have this correct so I know going forward what my plans will be. GL - Golden Lace = Golden base + Lace BL - Buff Lace = Golden base + Lace + Dom White (2 copies) To - Tolbunt = Golden base + Mottling (2 copies) CC - Candy Corn = Golden base + Barring (at minimum 1 copy...
  6. BookWormDenise

    Polish chick getting pecked - What should I do?

    Well, as DobieLover predicted on my introduction post thread, my little flock of mixed breed chicks just turned 3 weeks old, and now they’re pecking at Chickabiddy’s head (my white crested black Polish girl who is so sweet and likes to perch on my arm to be petted). 😥 I am brand new to chickens...
  7. NinjaGamer2022

    Emergency - Baby chick with (Fermented feed?) stuck in nose and possibly infected

    Day before yesterday (possibly the day before that) I noticed my baby polish chick was acting weird (eyes half open), I feared it didn't have enough water so I filled the waterer with sugar water. Then later on I noticed one side of it's nose had stuff in it. I washed off what I could (I did not...
  8. B

    First Time Chick Mom

    Hello.... We just began our adventure of raising chicks. We are currently are parents (3-adults), grandparents and dog lovers. Our kids have mostly 'flown the coop' and so we decided to add to our home flock, some chickens. My husband grew up on a farm and I'm a city girl. So, bear with me...
  9. P

    Polish hens/chicks

    Looking for polish hens/chicks in Georgia.
  10. C

    Baby chick can’t or won’t walk please help!!

    I just bought a polish chick today who isn’t standing or walking. She just sleeps and lays down. If one of the other girls steps on her she’ll slide over and they push her to food and water. She has little hard circles where it looks like she lays on her legs. What could be wrong and will she be ok?
  11. missmaqs

    Assorted Polish Chicks - AZ

    I pressed the wrong button when doing an online shipment of Polish chicks and other crested chicks. In summary I need to distribute about 20 Polish chicks ASAP. Arrival date is expected to be Feb 9. They will be newly hatched. Please help. I feel silly. I am currently open to advice, creative...
  12. Kittys Coop

    Suggestions to aid against Cocci??

    Hi. I woke up to a dead chick and two sick ones. I’ve moved the sick ones to a different space, put Corid in everyone’s water, and pens were cleaned. Any other tips to help?
  13. H

    Chick lethargic, runny poop, body heaving - what to do...

    Need suggestions asap please 😭 4 weeks Polish, got her as days old from McMurray. Vaccinated marek and cocci. She was out in the coop 3 days ago with three other 4 weeks old chicks, two 7 weeks old easter eggers, and one 10 weeks old true blue. They were all inside together and out in the coop...
  14. F

    Newly bought 6 wk Chick with major butt hole issues!

    I haven’t taken any pictures but if you all want/need some then I can do that! I bought two Polish pullets on Tuesday that are supposed to be 8week old runts. The person told me the only thing wrong with them was that they were growing slow so I didn’t mind growing them up. I get them home and...
  15. Hannahdoesntexist

    6 week old light sussex (plus 2 polish chicks) gender?

    Haven’t had the best luck this past week. We lost 2 of our babies to coccidiosis and thought we were going to lose another from what we thought could have been a respiratory infection but turned out to just be choking or possible impacted crop (may never know which). Went to bed expecting to...
  16. C

    White Crest Blue or Black? Polish?

    New member here! I bought a “polish” babes from my local feed store but having the hardest time figuring out if it’s a white crested black or white crested blue polish. Almost 100% it’s not a silver laced. But what do you think based on coloring? It was with a bunch of white crested blacks but...
  17. StardustChicken

    Sexing Polish Chick

    My buff laced polish chick recently turned 4 weeks a couple of days ago on the first (9/1/2020). It's my first time raising a polish, are they old enough or do I need to wait longer to sex them similar to silkies?
  18. missmaqs

    Polish (maybe three months? unsure) - what gender?

    Hello, meet Carmela! I have no idea what gender or how old Carmela is, but I've had her for about a month so we're presuming three or four months old (the breeder we picked her up from was not helpful), but is it too soon to guess a gender? Front and back photos included. All help is appreciated
  19. Rfle2195

    Is my Polish a hen or rooster?

    Hi! I have several silkies and a few polish. do you think this one is a hen or a rooster? He/she is almost 2 months! thanks for your help!
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