We have a frizzled gold laced polish hen that we thought was egg bound or injured since she was walking like a penguin after finding her with her saddle all messed up and pulling her wings back at an odd angle. Her saddle was removed but she continued the penguin waddle so we brought her inside...
Hello all, I have one polish hen who has had her eye injured pretty recently. It seems to have healed fully but I just grabbed her to check her and her eye is a little swollen and has very very little bubbles in the corner of her eye that was injured. I don’t have a photo since she’s active and...
Hi Everybody!
I am an animal portrait artist who paints lots of chicken art. Several of my chicken art customers have told me to become a member of Back Yard Chickens, so here I am! You can see a lot of my chicken portraits, prints and note cards at www.robiniart.etsy.com or more specifically...
Within the past two days my polish hens back toe has turned black. I have attached pictures of the black toe and the regular toe. I'm not sure what the course of action should be for her toe. She's started limping tonight and I'm worried. She's eating drinking and acting normal but her walking...
Helo, I was wondering, does anybody here know how to spot the difference between a male and a female polish bantam chicken???
Because a few months ago we got three polish bantam chicks and we were told they're all hens, but I'm starting to suspect the biggest chicken, Dwalin, might just be a...
We got 6 day-old chicks in January-one each of the following: ameracauna, buff Orpington, barred rock, silkie, Rhode Island Red, and a Polish. After a few weeks in the brooder we noticed that the Polish was being pecked on the head. She had a small sore and was missing feathers. We isolated her...
I don't quite want to trim her feathers, they're quite lush, but she can't see and she's pretty nervous because of that. Is tying her hair loosely back with a hair tie bad to do? Or painful? Please help.
My polish hen is going to be the only hen in my coup alone and my other chickens are paired off. Her second half was a rooster that we sadly had to let our friend have(we can't have him in our neighborhood). I'm afraid if she's left out of a pair she'll get picked on or possibly become lonely...
the pictures arent the best, but my post is referring to the only all black chicken in the brooder. i personally like the looks a totally black polish better than one with a white tophat. however, until this year's adoption grab bag/late hatchers, i didnt think that even existed... I most...