poop buildup

  1. K

    Poop, mud, and more poop!

    I need some advice. Recently moved to my in-laws farm, and I absolutely hate our chicken coup/run. We have about 10-12 birds, and they have a large coup and their own yard that's fenced off (even though they jump over it for the grass on the other side). I'm in Canada and this year our winter...
  2. S

    Post Prolapse surgery, stitch off, big poop, panting

    Hi everyone, so I made a previous post about my chicken having a prolapse after an extraction of a bounded egg. So to backtrack my vet did surgery on my hen, but I think the stitch was too tight. She did tell me to takeoff the stitch if she couldn’t poop anymore and she did struggle quite a lot...
  3. Kousomii

    PLEASE HELP IM SCARED! Both ducklings eyes became shut

    hi, my mom told me that as a hatchling their eye got pecked by a chicken accidentally, however it was only one eye and for a while the other eye was fine. However, now both eyes have shut. I don’t know why or what to do, I’ve been gently wiping at the eyes with micellar water on a q tip, but I...
  4. H

    Hen with poopy butt

    So, I have a hen (just turned 1 year old) with runny poop, and I'm not sure what's causing it, but wondering if I should trim off her poopy butt feathers? It first started happening last fall after I gave the chickens some apple pulp from my juicer, and then happened intermittently throughout...
  5. WhiskeyShadow

    Can't walk, acting lethargic, wasting away, poopy butt

    1) Easter Egger Hen, 2 yrs old, getting thinner by the day/significant weight loss 2) Not her normal self, not joining the flock (free range), staying close to coop, puffed up/cold looking, laying down, unable to stand, falls over everytime she tries to stand. Less mobility with each passing day...
  6. TreeStrepek

    What’s wrong with my Hen’s Vent?

    Hello Fellow Chicken Lovers- 5 days ago I brought my hen in for medical care. Her backside was all full feces. I soaked her butt, removed the poop & trimmed her poop-caked feathers. She is getting stronger— but What is sticking out of the vent? I gently pulled on it— Thinking it was an...
  7. HungryHippie

    Backyard cleanliness

    Hi guys. I’m new here. I did try searching several keywords before posting this question, hopefully I didn’t just miss it. There’s a long winded version and a short version of my question below. To try and keep this as short and sweet as possible- I’m trying to decide how worried I need to...
  8. A

    Cat litter or play sand for quail bedding ?

    I have 6 2 weeks old quail and I'm housing them in a midwest ground guinea pig cage. The cage doesn't have a wire bottom which means I have to clean it out every day to prevent it from smelling (man do they poop a lot). I'm considering using some sort of non-toxic cat litter or sand as bedding...
  9. The Ballet Chicken

    Chick foot problem please help!

    One of my chicks is about two weeks old and had a bit of pooo crusted to her foot. I figured it would come off. About a week later it looks like chunks of skin are coming off. I put triple antibiotic ointment yesterday and soaked her in water today.
  10. D

    How to keep your quail's feet clean?

    This is my first time owning quail, and I've loved every second of it, except for this one problem. It always seems that my button quail keep getting their own poop stuck on their claws, turning them into little orbs of fecal matter and feathers hanging off their feet until I clean it. I've had...
  11. Chikibabymom

    Bad case of pasty butt!

    I recently became a baby chick mom and got one cockerel (Stanley) along with four pullets. They’re all about 1-3 weeks old and have had a pretty good transition into their new brood. But I’ve noticed that Stanley has a case of pasty butt, I’m not sure wether it was because of the stress he was...
  12. Georgeschicks

    Mystery Butt

    -warning very gross- hi! I noticed that my chickens had very poopy butts. they have been getting a few extra fruit treats lately so there poops have been a lot runn ier. anyway when I was bathing them today I saw that one of my chickens butts looked like this. pretty sure that’s not...
  13. Scotty from BI

    What to do with chicken poop?

    I have a run that is enclosed that is about 60 feet long and about 8 feet wide. I have 8 large breed 2 year old chickens which doesn't seem like that many but they poop like there is 20 in there. I have been going around every day a couple of times a day with a dog poop scoop and picking up...
  14. Squeak61

    Wierd vent?

    Hi everyone. Very odd problem today. My buff Orpington hen is completely bald in a strip on her backside, underneath her vent. All the remaining feathers are caked and coated with something, I’m guessing poo. She also has an icky porta-potty smell :sick On top of that, her poop looks like...
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