poorly chicken

  1. W

    What’s up with my roo

    Here’s my boy and I got him January 2024 as a 2 week old chick. I’m just want to get some advise from you guys, I woke up Monday and let the flock out and he was sort of limping/crawling on his hocks so I gathered he’d hurt his right leg as it was more evident his right leg was affected as when...
  2. V

    Empty crop this evening, sleepy girl all day, yawning a bit. Help!!!

    My precious girl seems to have been fluffed up all day, not moving about as much as the other girls, sleepy, and she has an empty crop this evening (albeit she did eat a few worms for me this afternoon). Help! What can I do to get her eating? Does she have worms in her throat you think?
  3. P

    Pekin Bantams, 1 X 4 year old 3 X 7 week old. Lathargic off food and fluffed up

    Hi I think I may already know but having never had this in 15 years wanted to get some feedback. Have one adult and three younger hens about 7 weeks old become ill: Lathargic, fluffed up off food and standing still alot. May have found some diarea. Breathing seems fine, adult wormed...
  4. bethsbabybirds

    Poorly chick?

    I bought a couple of new chickens yesterday including two seven week old silver spangled hamburgs. They’re fully feathered and have been outside for about a week. We brought them home in the car and the journey was only about 20-30 mins, but when we got back one in particular looked pretty...
  5. Lola1609

    Hen rubbing eye/nictitating membrane HELP

    Hi, feeling pretty desperate. My hen had slow crop/sour crop and has been lethargic but after treating her with nystatin she is improving. However, she’s not back to 100% and I’m noticing her rubbing at her eyes and her nictitating membrane is really visible quite often. It’s as though the...
  6. Suep666

    Slow girl

    Hey folks.. been a chicken keeper for some years and I’ve seen many different illnesses and injuries... and you guys here have been the saviour of many of my girls with your advice.. anyway.. Our Cream Legbar.. Newt.. she’s 3 years old but recently she’s gone a little slow.. her wings have...
  7. S

    Older hen not eating, drinking, not able to walk

    So let me introduce the hens and our story a little. This may be a long post, so please share all and any ideas We live in the UK and took ownership of 7 beautiful girls from our near neighbours. They’ve had three girls for just under 6 years and added four more girls 3 years ago. So we have...
  8. Equiem

    Sick chicken, will leave one alone if she dies

    One of my ex-battery hens has been on "palliative" care and anti-inflammatory medicatiom for almost 2 weeks now and had been absolutely fine up until this morning (she even laid a proper shelled egg the other day). But now, she isn't leaving the coop, is puffed up and isn't eating at all. I...
  9. L

    Pekin Bantam with swollen crop feels like jelly?

    Hello, my pekin bantam Raven was absolutely fine yesterday however today she has been extremely lethargic, struggling to keep her eyes open and letting me pick her up when she normally runs off as out of my hens she's the only one who steers away from me. She appears to have some sort of limp...
  10. Suep666

    Im too old for this :(

    so Hi All you experts out there... having a few issues with our flock. We've had chickens for some years now and have been through all sorts of different issues and problems and with the help of you guys always managed to come out the other side quite well. so I'm hoping I can get some great...
  11. TheKeeperOfHens

    Chicken seems eggbound but not? (PLEASE HELP)

    EMERGENCY :My favourite girl silky (who is a warren hybrid) would not come out of the coop this morning. I have done all of the proper procedures of egg bound (check with lubricated gloved finger etc) and I can not find an egg or egg shells anywhere. She doesn't want to move, drink or poop and...
  12. H

    New chickens sick don't want to spread to my flock

    Hi all, I've had chickens for about 3 years not many just 3 and about 6 ducks, I've never had mites or lice ever in that time so I've been luck, BUT I just brought 3 chickens from an organic chicken farm and they are full of lice /bugs and one is sick she just sits all hunched up and eyes closed...
  13. AJChooks

    Poorly chicken, eye swollen shut, tail down

    Hi everyone, I'm new to chicken keeping having only had my two girls for a couple of weeks. The poorly one has recently starting laying every other day. They have a large coop with a large outdoor run to roam in during the day. This morning I let them out and one hen had a swollen eye and...
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