possible worms

  1. ECrow

    How do I tell if my hens have worms?

    Recently I’ve been noticing some unusual poop in my coop. It’s runny and yellow/green and a few of my hens bottoms have been getting dirty. One of my hens has completely stopped laying and her face is looking a bit pale. Is it possible that she has worms? How do you tell if that is the issues...
  2. C

    Sick Chicken/Bullying

    So we have a hen that has gotten very slim, thinking she might have worms but not 100% sure. Yesterday morning another hen started attacking her. Not just pecks here and there but was going after her. We separated the skinny possibly sick one in a dog crate just outside the run. Because she was...
  3. DobieLover

    Poop Exam

    I just brought home three new pullets, 2 leghorns and 1 California white. All about 8 months old. They are much smaller than my girls, 6 months old: 2 EE, 1 Delaware, 1 RIR, 1 BR, 1 Sussex, 1 olive egger, 1 black Australorp. I don't have enough space to do a true quarantine but the new girls are...
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