I have a Prairie Bluebell Rooster I got about a week ago. I don't have him paired with any hens at the moment. I read that it's a 50/50 if they have beards. He does not have a beard. Would any of his kids have a beard? Like if I crossed him to say, a Rhode Island Red? Would there still be like a...
Anyone know what this bluebell Easter egger pullet will look like when she gets older? Or have any good guesses? Lol
first time seeing one so unique with silver/white/blue wings
Both of these birds are around 4-5 months old.
Torchic (name, breed unknown):
Ember (name, breed Prairie Bluebell Egger?):
Help is greatly appreciated.
I have 6 chickens that are all 18 weeks, and got my first egg yesterday. The egg is kind of an off white-ish color. I have 2 prairie bluebells, so I think it might be from one of them? The only hen that is doing the quintessential mating squat is a sapphire gem though. I know that sapphie’s lay...
Not sure on this, but I might have a breeding pair here. They’re about 7 weeks, and they’re identical otherwise, but one has a slightly bigger pea comb, and has more comb coloration than the other. Idk how reliable the come coloration/size is as a predictor…
americana egger
easter egger
golden comet
olive egger chicks
production reds
saphire gem
speckled sussex
starlight green egger
Got these guys from TSC yesterday. Supposedly they are Prairie Bluebell Eggers but no one at the store could identify the different chicks, and they were all mixed in stock tanks. Off the top of my head the breeds they did have in store were BO's, Barred Rocks, Cornish meat birds, the Prairie...
Hey all :frow
Made a drive out to distant TSC specifically for Prairie Bluebell Eggers. I called first thing in the morning to confirm they had them. Upon arrival no one there knew what chicks were what, and told me the only person that knew the breeds was the store manager that wasn't there...
Hi I am new to chickens. I just wanted to see if this was a pullet. She may have laid an egg already, but I can’t tell for certain due to the fact my other bluebell egger is always in the coop. But I just don’t really see her in the coop that much and I just want to make sure because most of...
Hey y’all! This is Merle the chicken. I got her out of a prairie bluebell bin at rural king. I don’t know if that is what she is or not. What are your ideas on her breed. If you have this breed let me see pictures. :) The pictures below are her now and when she was a little one.
I just purchased some PBBE chicks and I am new to them.
I was wondering if you all could share photos of your adults so I can see the different color varieties they come in. 😊
I got a white one with a few small black spots and a solid black one.
Please and thank you!
I thought I had 3 Blue Andalusians, but now I am wondering if I have 3 Prairie Blue Eggers, one in splash. What do you all think? They are about 8 weeks here. The splash is our top bird. They are apart of a group of 10 "Rare Choice" ordered from Tractor Supply. They are friendly and fun, super...
She shipped from Hoover’s as a vent sexed pullet (Prairie Bluebell) but at 6 weeks and 5 days old, her comb and wattles are much more red than her 5 sister’s nude colored, barely there combs. She is also much larger, the same size as a hen I incubator hatched a week earlier than her hatch date...
Six weeks old. Hoover’s hatchery via Rural King. Pullet or cockerel? I have two, and they are supposed to be prairie Bluebell eggers. Pictures below. Tail fathers are almost nonexistent.
You all have been so helpful that I’m asking again. These kids are coming up on 4 weeks, so it may be too soon to tell, but... The brown one was sold as an Americana and the black two were sold as Prairie Bluebell Eggers. They were all supposed to be pullets. One of the black ones barely has any...
I’ve been wanting some prairie bluebells and wanting the ability to produce blue egg layers myself. I asked Hoover hatchery if crossing a prairie bluebell rooster and a prairie bluebell hen would result in offspring that lays blue eggs. They replied that they do not breed true. (This is obvious...