
  1. Just Rosie

    Hawk Grabbed hen, traumatized eye, confirming meds

    Hey all, gonna try to type quick. Just had a hen scooped up by a hawk but I was able to make it outside in time and chase her off. Hen was dazed and I thought shocky but now seems bright alert responsive. I believe hawk's talon went right into or above her eye. Have not yet been able to...
  2. thoeffel1994

    Predator identification?

    A predator keeps killing off my ducks and chickens one by one. First it got my rooster then my hen and now two of my ducks! I find the birds looking the same way each time I find them! Either with the head and neck missing or their head and neck still there with the neck stripped clean and...
  3. Gavin_H

    Predator Protection Program Suggestions

    I am an amateur poultry keeper, keep ducks of various breeds, chickens of various breeds, and some pearl guinea-fowl. One of my guinea-fowl pullets just got nailed by a hawk whilst the others were sounding their alarm and hiding in the bushes. My giant cochin rooster & other roosters couldn't...
  4. H

    Injured Hen

    Yes I’m back with another problem! As a first time flock owner I couldn’t have predicted how hard it would be to keep my chickens out of harms way and for animal lover it’s really difficult to watch this kind of stuff happen. I found this poor girl half pulled through the chain link fence of my...
  5. angie071972

    He thought he had dinner.

    This little shit was in my chicken coop . Got him out safely and away from my clan. Everyone is safe.
  6. RossAcres

    The Hunt for Mystery Predator

    So I have had the occasional predator come through my electric fence and kill something. The first time it was something that came in and took off the heads of 6 quail. I realized it was because I left a tree standing that was accessible from the other side of the fence. I removed that tree and...
  7. L

    When do geese give up?

    For context I asked for two girl goslings so I didn’t have an issue with breeding but it is what it is and I love my goose and gander as they are. My geese have grown up and are getting it on. They’ve built a nest and are laying eggs in it, so I’ve been swapping their eggs out with infertile...
  8. M

    Mourning my male quail 😞

    Two days ago I found a scalped male on the cage with only males i separated two weeks ago. Thinking my oldest quail was the culprit I isolated him and the scalped quail to heal. The next day another scalped quail. At this point I was like who tf. So I took the quail out and only one quail was...
  9. RossAcres

    Bobcat vs Electric Fence HELP

    I am a little worried after talking to a neighbor yesterday. I finally moved all of my birds to the new property. Note: I do not live on the same property as my birds. If you want an explanation on that, please view my other threads. Anyway, I was pulling in to the driveway, when the neighbor...
  10. M

    Dead turkey

    Hi, We live in montana and expect predators. New to raising turkeys. Early am something ripped head off turkey and left it with the body. Have two 2 puncture holes in another turkey by it's wing...marks are about 2 inches apart. Second one is alive. I have pictures but don't know if or how to...
  11. Z

    One chicken missing and the other three dead, which predator?

    So yesterday we let the chickens (we have 4 and they’re all full grown and pretty big) out of their run to free-range at around 6am (as we’ve been doing for a few months now) All of them were fine, but then a while later we went to check on them (at around 8am) and we found their feathers...
  12. kfsilver

    Fox Attack Questions

    A few days ago I was free ranging my ladies when a fox attacked. I happened to see the attack after two hens had been grabbed, but none dragged away. Based on the footage, it appears the fox grabbed and shook one hen, a New Hampshire Red, but then my Buckeye hen went and attacked the fox. The...
  13. Osofarm11

    Please help! TW: wound

    Please help! 😭 I have a 10-11 week old cinnamon queen pullet who ended up with a big open wound on the side of her neck yesterday. I’ve given her povidone iodine twice a day but I’m not sure if that’s enough. Anyone have any idea what could have caused this?
  14. saracarver3

    What is doing this to my feed?

    Anyone have any idea what is sneaking into the run and making these little balls of food at night? This morning I also found this dropping…this just started in the last week or two and now it’s every night. The birds eat it in the morning lol. Thanks!
  15. WaterfowlsPoultry

    Hawk comes back for round 2 after getting its Feathers kicked by my Rooster.

    Recently my Rooster prevented a hawk attack against my ducks when a hawk landed down and tried attacking them, Unfortunately, that hawk did not take that kindly and came back for round two, This time coming for one of our chickens, It was the same hawk (It has some marks and feathers lose when...
  16. C

    Need help predator proofing chicken tractor.

    I have a few questions. I have built this cattle panel chicken tractor for the meat chickens and will be the layers run when meat is done. Finishing up on it today. It’s 3 cattle panels, 2x4 (6 and 12foot long, so decently heavy). The front 2/3 is 1/4 hardwire and the back portion (which will...
  17. Plant_Hoarder

    Severed toe tip, unsure what to do

    Hello, so I am back because I had ANOTHER predator get at my chickens about 3 days ago :he The only ones in the crossfire were my two young brahma hens. One is now missing, and this one sustained only an injury to the toe. She somehow managed to sever the skin and muscle around the toe ( I'm...
  18. gwells1980

    The majority of my flock killed in one night

    I had 1 adult speckled Sussex rooster, 1 adult speckled Sussex hen, 1 adult sapphire gem hen, 1 adult buff orpington, 1 adult sapphire gem / speckled Sussex cross, 1 adult orpington / Sussex cross, and 6 nearly fully grown wyadottes bullets. They free ranged in my yard and get put up at night...
  19. A

    Dog Attack(Graphic) Help with Pain/treatment

    My big boy Remus was attacked by a dog(some sort of husky) this was horrible, all caught on my ring camera. My daughter and I went out into the woods following the feathers and by some miracle heard him out there clucking...we kept hollering for him and now he's in the yard kind...
  20. Preston Family Farm

    Weasel Attack Caught on Video (Mildly Graphic) - And How I'm Trying to Prevent Another Attack

    Hi all. This is a bit of a long read but hopefully my story will help some others learn from our mistakes and help keep your own flocks safe. We also welcome any advice on hopefully helping our one injured hen recover. Some of our flock including our beloved rooster Leonard who sadly was one...
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