Hello, I am in Austin and cannot find any Vet that does any Lupron injections or any type of contraceptives or hormonal implants? i called all the local ones and none will do it for chickens. Does anybody know of one ? Willing to make a drive few hours away. Or even more. What is the price for...
Hi there, I’m only just over a week in to starting my first flock and I’m loving it! However in my obsession, I’ve started doing some research into sexing chicks… can anyone confirm my suspicions- are these two little chicks cockerels compared to the others in their respective pictures which I...
Hi all!! This is my first post on BYC but i have been using the site for some time to look up concerns etc. We recently adopted 5 production reds and one of them came to us with a droppy comb and watery droppings. I had no clue what was wrong, she was laying fine, eating fine. A couple weeks ago...
Hi everyone, we posted here about a month ago asking about sexes of our chickens that were labeled as production reds from TSC. They're about 1.5-2 months old now and would like your opinions again.
One is obviously a starlight green egger (below), which we believe is a pullet. Can anyone help...
Hi all, first time posting on this thread. We just got our first baby chicks from TSC on Saturday. They were labeled as straight run production reds. They are likely a week old plus or minus a couple days at this point. We've been researching production reds, but have run into some confusing...
My flock boss, Willow, a hybrid RIR, is having a rough summer. Health-wise, she'd been great. She's almost 3.5 years old and she's been laying quite well all through the summer--though, slightly less than the previous summer, which I understand to be normal. However, over the last week or two...
I'm wondering what color the eggs might be when they start laying. 2 pullets are 21 weeks, 15 pullets are 17 weeks. The mothers ,(Production Reds) started laying at 20 weeks.
10 Welp Assorted Brown Layers, Sept 21st hatch. $10 each. 10% discount for buying at least 5.
I bought Blue Australorps and Asst. Brown Layers. You can see their development thread here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/25-from-welp.1494343/
Among the available chicks are:
Hey guys! We got our first egg today! I have five hens that are of laying age and I can't figure out which one laid this giant egg! We have a barred rock, a blue copper maran, a production red, a silver laced wyandotte, and a light brown leghorn. I think I have narrowed it down to either the...
I was watching my chickens free range yesterday when I noticed that my production red was curling up one of her feet as she walked. I went to see what was wrong and saw that she has an extremely swollen toe. It is really bulbous and the toe and claw are both bent sideways. Does anyone know...
I have a production red that is 16 weeks old and looks like she is ready to lay, but she hasn't found much interest in nesting boxes and doesn't squat. A friend of mine got a production red from the same hatchery as I did, the same week even, and her pro red started laying this week. I think...
Straight-run of 8 production red chickens (dual-purpose) for sale in Sarnia, ON. 7 hatched June 25-26, 1 hatched June 28.
Grown chickens also shown are older siblings.
The above chick was sold to us as a female ameracauna. I think it might be a cream legbar. Any thoughts?
what do we think about this being a female production red? female
the only thing I've found about this color pattern is that they might be hyline chicks...? any info about these? female...
I have no clue if this is the right forum or not... but I was wondering if I would get autosexing chicks with the hens being Golden Comets/Red Sexlinks and the Roos being Production Reds. With Golden Comets the roos are white and the hens are red when born. Am I going to have to play the...
My production red chicken started laying 9 days ago. She’s laid 6/9 days since then, but always in the afternoon and sometimes as late as 3-4pm. (She just laid an egg about 45 min ago), yesterday she laid an egg around noon, so it’s much later today. Is this normal for a chicken who just started...
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
I was raised in the city (Houston) and I have very little experience to chickens. My husband and I moved to Fort Worth this year and wanted to start out a chicken coop business but first thing you need are chickens right? We first...