prolapsed vent

  1. talkinboutchickens

    Vent prolapse in 2 yr old hen.....Urgent

    Hello, just noticed my 2 yr old brahma hen has vent prolapse, never dealt with this before but I know it's prolapse....There's a turd stuck on her prolapsed cloaca....Looks very disturbing😖 I'm not attaching a pic because I want to post this thread ASAP... I read that you soak her in an epsom...
  2. D

    Bleeding prolapsed vent - urgent PHOTO WARNING

    *GRUESOME PHOTO WARNING* I need help :( my sweet girl is experiencing what I believe to be some kind of vent prolapse but I’m not sure the cause. I’m doing Epsom baths and electrolytes in her water. I haven’t fed her in 24 hours because I saw some people say to not do food and let her body rest...
  3. C

    Chicken help

    My chicken has a prolapsed arse and i tried to put it back and it worked but it stopped after 1m and the chicken pushed it out again i did This for 2 days What do i do
  4. C

    I need help

    ly chicken has a prolapsed arse i have tried to clean it and push it back in it worked for 1 minute and my chicken pushed it out What do i do?
  5. S

    Protruding vent

    Just found out my baby duckling has this protruding vent. Somebody tell me what should I do. I'm taking him to vet tomorrow but tonight I need to do something becuz he keeps on scratching it. And I need to know what caused it
  6. D

    Treating prolapsed vent (Baby Chick, 2 weeks old)

    Hi all, I think one of my chicks has a prolapsed vent. I've been spraying it with Vetericyn every day and trying to push it back in, but it's hard to keep it in. Could I get some help in confirming that this is, in fact, prolapsed vent, and how people have overcome and treated it, especially...
  7. M

    Prolapsed/Swollen Vent in 6 week old Silkie

    Help! I got a batch of silkies a few weeks ago and one has had a swollen/prolapsed vent since I got her and I don't know what else to do. The photo was taken right after I gave her an Epsom salt bath and put some Vaseline. Typically it is covered in white discharge.. Not sure if she has vent...
  8. A

    Possible prolapsed vent and pasty butt

    I bought eight baby chicks from a local feed store about four days ago. I have bought chicks from this store and never had any problems. Though today I noticed a lot of them have pasty butt, so I treated them until I got to last one, she’s a blue silky, I noticed hers was way worse than the...
  9. A

    Prolapsed vent and pasty butt in baby chick

    I bought eight baby chicks from a local feed store about four days ago. I have bought chicks from this store and never had any problems. Though today I noticed a lot of them have pasty butt, so I treated them until I got to last one, she’s a blue silky, I noticed hers was way worse than the...
  10. H

    Prolapsed vent?

    Does this look like a prolapsed vent? I feel like i have bought everything to treat it but i just can’t figure out what it is. I feel so bad for her and She’s breathing so heavy and she pushes so hard to poop and just yellow discharge comes out… i have been cleaning it and moisturizing it, as...
  11. H

    Vent Gleek? Eggbound? Prolapsed Vent?

    Hello, i have my sweet chicken Sugar and she became sick very sudden. She has this white/yellow discharge coming out of her vent, she is struggling to poop and breathing extremely heavy. She doesn’t want to eat or drink. We have been syringe feeding her apple Cider Vinegar, dewormer, and a...
  12. N

    Our hen has a prolapsed vent that won't stay in!

    We've tried pushing it back in her butt repeatedly but it just won't stay in. We soaked her for a bit and wiped off the poop. We plan on keeping her inside tonight away from the rest of the flock and maggots and trying again tomorrow. We think this occurred three days ago and we somehow didn't...
  13. C

    Clogged vent and vent prolapse?

    We noticed on Sunday our baby had a super dirty butt. We brought her inside and noticed her vent had prolapsed. My MIL came over and was able to clean her and push it back in and everything was fine. Yesterday we were worse than the original. Today I feel even though I have done everything I...
  14. 3bird

    Prolapsed Vent on Four Year Old Silver Appleyard Duck - Extended Care

    Hi, BYC Friends. We've been flat out planting 300 seedlings, opening our gallery for the first time since 2019 and trying to keep up with all the regular spring farm chores, so we've not been on here much. Unfortunately, yesterday morning (Tuesday), we went out to let the ducks out and Mouse...
  15. Harun

    Baby chicken with a swollen vent and struggling to poop. What do I do?

    When I picked up my first 4 baby chicks one of them had bad pasty butt and what looks to be a swollen vent. I clean the pasty but regularly but it's vent is very swollen and it struggles to poop. I feel so bad for it and don't know how to help it. I don't know if it's vent is prolapsed or not...
  16. E

    Prolapsed vent...(warning graphic photo)

    My poor cream legbar. She had a prolapsed vent that we tried to guide back in. This is 4 days post our fist intervention. Does this look normal? When it was initially noticed, we used vetericyn to try to stave off infection but I’m concerned she may need more intervention. We also have been...
  17. Brinn1122

    Prolapsed hen with purple comb and drooping wing

    I have a 5 month old Buff Orpington who prolapsed on Friday 1/22. She also had 2 eggs in her. A friend of ours told us we needed to push the prolapse and the egg that we could see back in, as we started to do so she strain and the egg popped out and shortly after another egg followed. We believe...
  18. toofacedcutie

    2+ week old chick vent swollen and pulsating??

    so basically my mother acquired a baby chicken from a poultry shop because they did not want it, i don’t know the exact breed but im sure they’re a little bit older or around 2 weeks old due to the feathers. i have never owned a chick before so this is a first time experience. as for daily care...
  19. mnkymn

    Lethargic Bardrock with prolapsed vent

    My Bardrock is having a hard time, and not sure what else to do. I noticed a couple of days ago she was acting lethargic and not herself. Upon closer inspection I saw she had poop all over her back side. I also noticed her vent was prolapsed. I read some of the posts on here, and gave her...
  20. Evilpugsmama

    Prolapsed vent - is this common?

    How common is prolapsed vent in chickens? My flock consists of 2 hens approx 8 months old, 2 cockerels and 4 pullets all approx 4 months old. In June 2020, my hens began to lay. Betty was inconsistent but Chikira was my champion layer. She laid consistently same place same time everyday. Last...
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