
  1. Hot_Rod_Dragon

    Great Pyrenees LGD puppies!

    Hellooo! I really am at my wits end and do no know what to do... I have a 5yo female great pyrenees who has NEVER had pups, ever. Got her as a pup and she has never even shown signs of being in heat. Got a male pup over 3 yrs ago to keep her company and help with the LGD duties. Well, we went...
  2. A

    Vorwerk Chickens ?

    Hi there, I purchased 3 purebred Vorwerk chicks about 6 months ago to join our flock. As you can see in the pictures attached 1 of them has an array of white through her feathers. Is this normal? I haven’t seen any photos of Vorwerks like this. And the other two (also attached) look normal...
  3. Wonderling

    Large hatchery/feed store bought vs. Backyard bred and best crosses?

    From the few experiences I've had growing chickens I've had more health issues with any chickens bought from a feed store thus from a large hatchery, than the ones we've hatched either from our neighbors hens or our own. Maybe this is more of a hybrid vigor factor since those hatched with us or...
  4. G


    Can someone explain everything about silkies? I have always wanted silkies but there's so much information on them that I don't know which ones are the right ones or not. I've read some information on not to get none pure silkies, why? How do you tell is one is purebred? Then I read you can't...
  5. TheChiggens

    Delaware~ CHAT Thread

    Thought I'd make a thread on Delewares knowing there a great breed! So talk away my enthusiasts! Also, I would like to see pics and hear from people trying to breed the purebred Deleware. I know for me I just have hatchery quality. But still find them AMAZING birds :love Here is Little...
  6. KikiDeAnime

    What do Purebred Ameraucanas look like?

    As stated in the title. I'd like to know what true purebred Ameraucanas look like. NOT EASTER EGGERS!!! DO NOT POST THOSE!
  7. Brahmachicken240

    Pure bred chicken show

    Never ending chicken show. Must include Name,Gender,Breed, Age, Color and photos in your posts Example: Name: Prince Gender: Cockerel Breed : Brahma Age: 8 months Color: Golden
  8. chlady1

    Black Copper Marans 15 Week Old Roosters

    I have several 15 week old purebred Black Copper Marans roosters to sell in Wallis, Texas. Make me an offer. Pick up in Wallis, Tx at Susan’s Little Chicken House
  9. A

    OEG Bantams for Sale

    I have a Silver Ginger Old English hen, she is a proven mother and good layer for hatching, she gave me 14 eggs, 10 being viable and 8 hatching out. I also have a pure silver hen, unsure of breed but very pretty. I also have a rooster, I've yet to determine if he is a mixed oegb or pure. This...
  10. Nats Chickens

    Best purebred SOP bird?

    I am wanting to get a trio of birds to bred to their AU SOP. I am not sure which to get but have a while because I need to save up around 100 bucks. any recommendations on good breeds for that sort of thing?
  11. Lilorp14


    4 Black Amaraucana roosters for sale. Purebred, Paul and Angela Smith Stock. Hatched April 30th, 2018. Not aggressive, but a little timid,. They have no objections to being handled. Located in VA. PM if interested.
  12. Miriah132

    Purebred Cochins?

    I contacted some one local about their “Cochins” and they sent me these pictures. I’m in no way an expert but I do know Cochins aren’t crested. And I’ve never heard of any chicken getting a crest at 5 months old due to a “growing phase”. So I’m asking the experts. These are 100% not pure Cochins...
  13. Birds of a Feather

    Purebred Dutch Bantams for Sale-Sold

    Limited number of standard purebred Cream Light Brown Dutch Bantams for sale. Very rare breed, and make great showmanship birds. From champion lines: winnings include Champion SCCL, showmanship Champions, and Best of Breed. They are tame and love people. Original stock is from a Dutch...
  14. HinterlandHomestead

    Jumping in feet first!

    I started with a small flock of 6 birds about 8months ago. Now I have 12 assorted birds for my family coop and am looking to start raising some pure breeds and maybe rare breeds! Starting with Black Copper Marans and 55 Flower Hens arriving in 2 weeks. Thankfully my husband is one board and my 4...
  15. Yukidongo

    Seriously, "Silky" Smooth Cochin Bantams

    I have had a pair of Cochin Bantams for two years. Rob Roy, and Yuki. He's Frizzled. She is Beautiful, Perfect, smooth regular feathers. The progeny have been Smooth, regular, OR Frizzled. The Frizzle has been of two types. First, a lovely tear drop shaped feather that curls gracefully, and I...
  16. gcarmack2001


    Hello, my name is Grace and I raise purebred, show-quality chickens. We raise the following standard breeds: Black Orpingtons, White Wyandottes, Mottled Houdans, Salmon Faverolles, and White and Black Ameruacanas. We raise the following in bantam breeds: Silkies, Seramas, and Salmon Faverolles...
  17. Poppylu

    Seeking new homes for 3 month old Heritage Breed Roosters!

    Hello folks, we're pretty new to the site so hope we're in the right place. We have been hand raising some chicks in our backyard in New York City and today our first (of three) roosters crowed. Honestly thought we had a few more weeks at least before we had to say goodbye. We now need to...
  18. Starlings and dogs

    guess the rabbit breed

    ONLY PUREBREDS i will do one then the person who gets it right can post a breed
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