I have an 8 week old chick whose crop does not empty in the mornings. I would say if it was 100% full in the evening, it empties about 30% overnight, so around 70% is still left in the mornings. I have withdrawn food overnight a few times to confirm this is what is happening.
In the mornings...
We’ve raised chickens for around 20 years and never seen this before.
Our experienced, older Belgian d’uccle has a clutch of chicks about 4 weeks old. They’ve just started mixing with the rest of the flock when out free ranging. Yesterday I noticed a young adult d’uccle (a previous chick of...
Hi, I have a 5 week old araucana chick who is very small for its age. About 4 days ago I was holding it less than a foot above the brooder and it flew off my hand, hit the brooder plate and landed on its side and hurt its leg.
I know it hurt its leg because it didn't get up - I put it back on...
Hi all! I'm raising 16 chicks for the first time and have a very small 5 week old cuckoo marans chick, less than half the size of its hatchmates. I've been keeping an extra eye on it and over the past few days I've withdrawn food from the brooder overnight to double check its crop in the...
Hi all, I have a couple of chicks who are growing very slow. I want to feed them some poultry vitamins and electrolytes in their water just in case it helps. I have purchased Vetsense Avi-Vital and Vetsense Avi-Lyte...
Hi there, new to raising chicks. I have 3 araucana chicks who are 4 weeks old, and they're growing and feathering a lot slower compared to other 4 week old araucana chick photos I see online.
They seem healthy to me, however compared to my other chicks of the same age (I have 16 total), they...
Hello - new to raising chicks. I have (had) 17 chicks in a brooder which I got as day old/few days old chicks. I didn't have any issues that I was aware of - they were all growing well and also vaccinated against cocci. A few days ago, I sadly found one dead in the brooder.
It was a wyandotte...
Hello - new to raising chicks. I have 3 cuckoo marans chicks hatched November 29, making them 4 weeks old in these pictures attached. They've been growing at different speeds and one is very large, one is medium sized and one has barely grown. Due to their age I am keen to start transitioning...
I’ve got three two day old chicks. Two of them come out often to eat and drink, but one (smallest) practically never comes out. When the hen stands and displaces it, it will peck around a bit but not much, preen a bit, and then instantly go back under. Is this normal?
So I just hatched a batch of 22 chicks, 19 made it to hatch and then yesterday one of the chicks started acting weird in the brooder. It was in the incubator about 12 hours before I moved it to the brooder.
After about an hour in the brooder I noticed it was weak and panting and also seemed to...
My four hens have been indoors since birth. They are 17 weeks old. I finally got a coop and it is assembled. The temp outside has been in 30s and 40s, but the hens have not been out yet. Since tomorrow and the next week will be in the fifties, I thought it would be a great time to take them...
I have four hens: a black australorp, buff orpington, blue laced red wyandotte, and EE (I think). I am so tempted to purchase a white silkie and/or a white crested black Polish. Should I? I dont want to do that if that be disatrous and that they would get picked on constantly or a lot...
Devastated and posting this as hopefully a warning to prevent another accident like this occurring. Have been putting mama hen and her 4 babies out in the run during the day and back inside at night for the past 2 days, and one of the chicks just died under the regular feeder the hen (used to be...
Hi guys! I am NEW to raising backyard chickens in the Central Florida area. I have Polish (6weeks old), Easter eggers and Green Queens (7 weeks old). I’ve been loving this journey of learning something completely new and am really enjoying the community around raising chickens!!
Hey all!
It's been a while (insert guitar chord here) and having a flock of hens has been amazing. The problem has been el doggo.
Y'see I got a doggo in December. I love him very much. He's a German Shepherd/Husky mix and is about 10 mos old. The problem: he has a significant prey drive. I'm...
I have silkie chicks that are nearing 6 weeks old. I'd like to move them outside, but I know they are more fragile to temperatures. I live in Arizona, but in the mountains. Here soon it should be reaching 50 degrees min at night. Would I be able to move my silkie chicks to the chick coop with a...
I’ve heard 1 to 10 is a standard ratio currently raising 11 chicks who are “pullets” from TSC but we know how that may turn out lol i am also getting 2 light Brahma coop ready pullets in June bringing the total to 13 so will I need more than one Roo? How many roosters have you been able to keep...
Alright chciken fam extreme newbie here
I have hatched 6 out of 11 eggs so far... 2 passed in shell 2 passed after hatching. My hen had 2 eggs left today 1 of them clearly had passed having a small crack on the outside of the egg with dark veins in that area that looked broken, no movement...