
  1. edenking48

    Gurgling Hens

    We are experiencing a bit of an issue in our coop. Not sure if it’s the wet weather we’ve had, new chicks being introduced (they were quarantined for a week with no issues), or something wild birds brought in. One hen died pretty much out of no where. The next day I noticed a hen sounded like...
  2. T

    Wheezing Chicken plus sour crop

    My chicken started wheezing/gasping a week or so ago. I was away, so I didn’t catch it at the beginning. It sounded like a respiratory issue. When I picked her up, she had a very squishy crop and threw up a lot of foul smelling liquid. I treated her with ACV and yogurt. Gave her plenty of...
  3. S

    Dying Chicken

    Hi I’ve had chickens for a few years now, started with 4. One died at one year old due to sudden death syndrome. One died around 7 months ago due to being egg bound. Now, pebble, is sick. She hasn’t layed for around a year and the vet says she has some sort of mass or tumor and will likely need...
  4. V

    Please help! baby chick gasping for air non stop

    I have a almost 2 week old silkie who has been gasping for air non stop since last night, it sounds like a broken sqeeky toy, I also heard a little rattle in its chest, I've started LA200 today, I put it in their waterer but had to use a syringe to get it to drink, I also gave it egg yolk by...
  5. W

    Chicken is wheezing - and lost a hen last week

    Hi everyone, One of my hens is suddenly wheezing. She makes an inhale wheeze and then shakes her head a bit. The head shaking doesn’t happen with every breath, but often enough that it is worrisome. Her sister died suddenly about 1.5 weeks ago. Just curled up in a corner to “rest” and was dead...
  6. T

    Sick week old wyandotte

    After bringing my chicks in from the garage to keep warm during a power outage I noticed that one of my wyandottes is breathing through her mouth and making a crackling noise. I haven't noticed any diarrhea or any other symptoms Any idea what it could be or at least a general treatment? They...
  7. Iriss Crazy Coop

    Problem with bantam

    I have a black Cochin bantam that isn’t doing well. She is a little overweight band also has some respiratory issues. She’s sneezing and coughing quite a bit. None of our other gals have this issue. im not sure if she has worms or gapes or something but she is one of my favorites and I really...
  8. agordon

    Wheezing, no other symptoms.

    We have a 2 year old cuckoo maran hen that we noticed wheezing and having loss of voice approx 2 weeks ago. She is still laying almost daily and perky. No sneezing or eye/nose symptoms. We separated her into a small isolated Coop with its own run immediately. We tried the natural treatments...
  9. A

    Help! Whole flock is just OFF!?

    Ok so since my neighbors chickens have ventured over and mingled with my flock before I noticed we’ve had a slew of issues pop up! a Few hens started sneezing and then several others did as well as well as random ones getting runny noses. Rooster sounds like he’s got wheezy/rattly breathing as...
  10. H


    So, I've recently noticed that my 4 month old silkie has been a bit wheezy lately. She eats and drinks fine, but when I hold her she wheezes quite heavily and has started to sneeze. Her eyes also dont seem to have a discharge. I'm assuming she has a respiratory infection. What do you guys think...
  11. TreeChick

    Bump of my hen’s face

    Hello BYC community! I have noticed the last few days a few bumps on my Plymouth Rock hen’s face - just above her nostril. It’s a bit larger on one side than the other but it is on both sides of the face. It’s a bit soft and looks kind of like a scab but I’m wondering if it may be a respiratory...
  12. ReadyvilleBird

    Congestion in chicks?

    I have one roughly six week old sebright that sounds like it’s breathing through snot and I’ve seen sneeze a few times. There is also a amber colored discharge from his nostrils. He is perfectly active but I want to catch this early. Everything I’ve read sounds pretty horrid and I certainly...
  13. Thatothercrazychickenlady

    Sick hens any suggestions

    Hello, I purchased a silver laced Wyandotte hen back at the beginning of June. Due to a breach in quarantine now all my hens (3 red sex links of 3 years of age, 1 black sex link 4 years of age and 2 gold laced roosters at 16 weeks of age) are showing similar symptoms and one even passed away...
  14. Thatothercrazychickenlady

    Respiratory issue in flock

    Hello everyone, I recently (on the 11th of June) purchased a gorgeous silver laced Wyandotte hen only a year old and laying eggseptionally well, daily including the day I got her. The eggs look good quality. She eats well, drinks fine and her little rose comb is usually a bright red. On the way...
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