sexing 1 month

  1. Jamiesluv4chix

    Newby and obsessed

    Hey all my name is Jamie and I'm from a small town in Southern Florida. Real estate Broker by trade....future farmer goals for life though 🤷‍♀️🙂😍🥰🙏 A quick story on how i became a chicken mom I had some tenants next door in my grandmother's old place who were moving and didn't want to take the...
  2. Sofainthefog

    Sexing 4 week old Isbar/Silverudd's Blue

    I know it's still a bit early to try to be determining sex, however I have seen some people say they can see a difference with this breed at about 3-4 weeks. These are splash isbars from Alchemist Farm and they are right around the 4 week mark, maybe a couple days older. If anyone has experience...
  3. C

    New to this please help if you can

    Hello I'm new here but I've recently come into owning a chicken it was actually just wondering the street this evening it looked very young and there's a lot of cats in my area so I now am the owner of a chicken I actually need some help if anyone can try sexing and telling me the breed so I can...
  4. M

    4 week baby chick

    can anyone sex this baby chick? it’s 4 weeks old and i’m wondering if anyone knows what it could be.
  5. B

    Head shape related to sexing?

    one of my chicks that i’ve suspected of being a rooster has a different head shape than the others (front) the forehead is bigger? can this be an indicator for sexing or are they just a little unique?
  6. C

    Suspect for roo

    Hello all you chicken lovers, I could use a second opinion on whether or not this baby is a roo or pullet. Almost 5 weeks old. Comb development has increased slightly. She/he hatched out of a dark brown egg, and I’ve been stumped as to what cross it could be. As a chick she had two black spots...
  7. BeeRex

    4 week old Rouen sex guesses based on bill color?

    I have a Rouen duckling that’s 4 weeks old and we’ve been trying to sex it, but we’re not going to try and vent sex them because we don’t want to risk hurting them. At first I thought they might be a male because of how yellow their bill is turning. Since adult male Rouens have the yellow bill...
  8. H

    Cant tell if my chickens are really pullets

    I have 1 Olive Egger, 1 Black Maran, & 1 Blue Maran Pullets. They are 6 & 7 weeks old ( they look a little younger to me to be honest). According to the person I got them from, they are all Pullets. But, I just don't feel confident that they are all Pullets. Anyone think one of these guys is a...
  9. C


  10. C

    Blue Plymouth Rock pullet or roo? 5-6 weeks old

    New chicken owner here! Please help me identify if this blue Plymouth chicken is a pullet or roo. Supposed to be a pullet! Age: between 5-6 weeks old. I’ve gotten mixed answers everywhere half say hen half say roo. This is a mix between blue Andalusian roo and barred rock hen. On one of the tail...
  11. lmadeline146

    4 Week Chicks- What are the genders?

    I’m curious to see what genders these chicks are. They are 4 weeks old and their dads are Easter Eggers. Please help me out! —————————————————— Chick 1- Amelia/Amelio This chick was the firstborn and seems pretty small compared to the other chicks. I haven’t noticed any roo behavior from...
  12. Chickenwithnobrim

    Sexing 4 week old bbs ameraucana

    Hi, i have two ameraucana chicks, im thinking cockeral but im wondering if anybody else had similar looking ones that turned out female. Black one charges at my gfs hand and look how pink he is 😭😭
  13. crazychickenmamamia

    Roos or pullets?

    Hello was just curious what everyone’s opinion was on my chicks. They are 4 weeks old so I know it is still pretty early to tell if they are roos but they are very aggressive towards each other. We think we might have three roos. Two of them are Rhode Island Reds and the other one is an...
  14. ChickenAJ

    Sexing by Comb - 5 weeks old

    Hi! We have twelve chicks. We know one is definitely a rooster, but trying to understand if there are any others. Can someone help me figure out HOW to tell a rooster among the different styles of combs? Here is a picture of my Splash Laced Red Wyandotte. 5 weeks old. Rose comb? How can you...
  15. NikkiRenee

    Growing so fast!!

    What age will i be able to tell the colors for sure and their genders??
  16. A

    Introduction / Olive Egger Sexing HELP

    Hello! I am new to owning my own chickens. My family own a local feed store, and we sell chicks every year. This year we decided to keep some chicks for ourselves. I have often used this forum for questions I have received from customers over the years. This forum has been a life saver!! We...
  17. SolomonChicks

    What sex are they??!

    Hi, we have silkie chickens, one is a cross breed chicken I think. They’re both about 1.5 months old so 6 weeks. It’s hard to tell as they both have characteristics and features of both genders. Quite desperate to know and would be appreciated thanks!
  18. Bonzeye

    She’s a Rooster, isn’t she? ☹️

  19. C

    New to BYC

    Hi! I am new to BYC and this is my first time beginning to raise chickens. It’s been a long term dream for me but was temporarily put on hold during my husband’s twenty year career in the military. He has since retired from the military and is now working a job that allows us to not move around...
  20. Bubblesunrise

    Two 5 week silkies

    Hello! I am new to having chicks on my own and I want help sexing these two chicks I have! They are currently almost 5 weeks and look like the following. The top row is chick 1 Bottom row is chick 2
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