shed conversion

  1. R

    What Shed to get for Converting to a Coop?

    Hello All, I am currently building a coop for myself, however a friend of mine is looking to get a shed to convert to a coop. Since he doesn’t have as much time to start from nothing. He rather have a starting frame and to build off of it and renovate. Does anyone have a recommendation or a...
  2. Amber Lu

    Old Shed Conversion???

    I don't have any pictures yet, but we are buying a house that has an old shed just behind the garage. It looks like it was built as a workshop or a small barn, and the flooring is solid 2x4's all the way across. Does that need bedding put down? Should I cover the 2x4s? It only has 1 window...
  3. ChickensInMA

    Finally Finished My Coop

    I've planted the flower beds, so I can finally say that my coop is finished! It's been a long process!
  4. Njames1963

    Vinyl shed conversion

    Hello, I am new to chickens and I would like some input on turning a vinyl shed into a coop! I have done toooons of research already on this subject, but I want to check a few more things for my specific situation before I start the conversion process! This shed is a 5x7 that was on the...
  5. My New Coop! (Picture Heavy!)

    My New Coop! (Picture Heavy!)

    Hi! We have recently been refurbishing a coop we've bought, that was already a shed converted into a coop, albeit, not a very good one. Our shed-cum-chicken coop needed a lot of work when we bought it, and still needs some improvements, such as increasing ventilation. We've replaced our old...
  6. ChickensInMA

    My New Coop's Renovation!

    Hi! I figured I'd post the pictures of my new coop that we've been making since July. I wanted to combine my ducks, bantams and big hens into one bigger coop. It's been quite the upgrade, and lots of research has been done. They had a 4'x4' coop with a 6'x8' run, but now they have a 7.3'x7.8'...
  7. Shed Conversion Coop and Narrow Run for an Urban Backyard

    Shed Conversion Coop and Narrow Run for an Urban Backyard

    Forty years ago, when I took care of an African Grey parrot for a year, I fell in love with birds. So chickens! Why not chickens! I'm only one generation away from the farm. With chickens eggs would be nice, but it was the idea of chicken company and chicken antics that really drew me. Here's...
  8. D

    Can I convert this into a chicken coop?

    Hi all, New to this site, I wonder if anyone could tell me if this is a good idea or bad? We have this old tree house, it isn't being used, it is well insulated and can have power fed to it from the sheds below ( which we use for storage) . Would this work as a chicken coop/ hen house if I...
  9. Ittybittyschmidtie

    Using shed for chicken coop. Need layout ideas

    I would like to transform one of the sheds on our property that is in good condition into a chicken coop and build a chicken run on the exterior. For reference I am soon to have 15 new chicks and this shed is 16x16. I am new to all of this and I am scared to ask/ don’t feel comfortable asking...
  10. E

    Disabled/Can’t Build—Local Prebuilt or Shed Conversion?

    Hello all, I’m in eastern Oklahoma preparing for 10-15 chickens late next spring. (Gardening zone 7a if that helps any.) I am able to perform the daily care and find some help if needed for deep litter coop clean outs, but I don’t have the physical ability to build a coop due to disability...
  11. BessieMae

    New Coop- 10x16 Shed Conversion

    So after 4.5 years, I’m finally a chicken owner again! I lost all of my hens and my coop during Hurricane Harvey. I was not going to replace anything, but when the opportunity to purchase lavender Orpingtons arose, I just had to do it. So my husband and I spent the better part of this weekend...
  12. psycache

    Play shed convert to a coop? (Pics)

    Hi all, been tortured with ideas on how to fit a coop in the yard, then wife pointed out we have two play sheds built by previous owner that are not being used. What do people think? Any ideas and suggestions? The door frame is about 5 feet tall, facing South, ceiling edges are open for vent.
  13. Haphazard_Hannah

    Chicken Newb

    Hi everyone, I’ve just joined your community and wanted to introduce myself if that’s okay? I’m so new to chickens that I don’t actually have them yet... we’re rescuing 6-8 ex-battery hens here in the UK in the next month or so but first I need to get everything ready for them. I’m...
  14. jewelg

    Coop math + potential shed conversion

    Hello, Chicken People! :) So, I'm either doing this wrong, or every single pre-made coop you can buy wants you to pen your chickens in like large sardines in a tiny can. Help! And thank you, all, for contributing and building such an incredible resource. FYI, we live in Los Angeles, California...
  15. Work in Progress - My Chicken Coops, Shed Conversion and Duck Run

    Work in Progress - My Chicken Coops, Shed Conversion and Duck Run

    Last spring we lived in a town that wouldn't let us put a shed on our 1 acre lot because we already had a detached garage. Chickens... forget it! So fast forward to August of the same year and in the midst of a move to a place that suited us better, we found ourselves the proud owner of some...
  16. inertsoul

    Turning shed into coop

    Hey all! We are turning our shed into a coop for our girls next weekend and wondered if anyone has had experience or advice to offer. We are adding a door on the side and a window in the back. Other than that is there anything else we should add?
  17. W

    Run In Barn to Coop

    So we are hoping to convert half of our run in to a coop. The other half we use for storage for our wheelbarrow, mower etc. Apparently the only photos I have of it on my phone (currently at work) also have my horses in it blocking most of the view so hopefully you can peer past them, LOL. We...
  18. 5B1029FA-D323-4C1F-A0E8-93DFED64A589


    DIY backyard coop, shed conversion.
  19. Our Coop

    Our Coop

    10x20 loft barn partitioned off on each side for chickens on one end, ducks on the other. with a 10x20 exterior run on either side. Still a work in progress! Suggestions welcome! :)
  20. Parront

    Existing Lean to Shed has metal siding and roofing

    What do you guys think? It is there, it is 8x24' covered in metal siding. Dark inside -- it was used to store firewood. It looks like chicken housing to me. Dirt floor. It is a lean-to built on the workshop of a house we are looking to buy. I think I want to remove the siding on the south side...
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