My Rooster has just been attacked by a dog about an hour ago. Right now he isn’t conscious and is shaking. I have him under a heat lamp to keep him warm and his breathing is short little gasps. What do I do?
I’m not sure how long she had been out there, but we found our 4 month old silkie lethargic with blood in her nostrils. She’s very cold, lethargic, and can barely hold her head up, but she’s fighting fluids by syringe. She was introduced to our flock along with another 4month silkie roo about 2...
Hi, I have a 2 year old silkie who was swooped by a magpie today and has caused an injury to her eye. Immediately after the attack she went into what I think is shock but it has now been over 6 hours and she is still laying in a basket of towels unresponsive. If I touch her she has what seems to...
Today one of my hens got attacked by a hawk or something, but I scared it away. She lost feathers on her back, but only one area seems to be injured, and it's not even bleeding. I put her in a separate cage, but when she was walking earlier, it seemed like each step was extremely heavy. Then she...
A predator broke into my run. It killed all but one of my chickens. She has no visible wounds and is moving and walking. If she survives the shock of this event what do I do next for her. She is alone now without a flock. Can she live on her own for some time? Do I ned to find a new flock for...
(scroll to bottom if you dont want to read)
So, I was with my mom and sister in our backyard taking care of our horse's hoof while my dad mowed the tall grass. All of our chickens were out running around and keeping from the mower.. (We have three coops and more than one rooster in each coop...