Sicilian Buttercup
Behavioral Changes:
Pecking at glass if someone is around or touching it
Buff Orpington
Behavioral Changes: If the chicks get a special treat (such as bread) Moose always chases Quill around the pen, pecking him, trying to take his food. Also, trying to jump on...
My two straight run chicks are now 5-6 weeks old- before modeling my coop, I need to know the genders of the two. Moose (light brown/tan color) is A Buff Orpington, and is usually always chasing and pecking Quill (Dark Brown with black) The Sicilian Buttercup.
My 15 week old sicilian buttercup pullet has been showing signs that she will lay (squatting for a roo, comb and wattles are redder and bigger) she's so small and it worries me even thinking about her trying to lay an egg. Thoughts?
This is my one month old buttercup chick. She has a big comb but no redness yet, so im not sure! She has pretty dainty feet and a hen-like posture. What do you think?
Sicilian Buttercup
Gold Created by littlecreekfarm
Breed Information, Comments, and Experience with breed:
Sicilian Buttercups orginated in Sicily, Italy. They lay medium white eggs, you can expect around 4-6 eggs a week. Theh are friendly but very flighty. They enjoy free-range. They weigh 3-6...
Sicilian Buttercup
Gold and black Created by Edgewick_Stockdogs
Breed Information, Comments, and Experience with breed:
Attractive birds. Decent layers. More shy than other breeds. They have a distinct double-comb, like a buttercup flower, which is how they get their name. I have two adult hens...