
  1. R

    Chickens suspected to have Coryza, what should I do?

    Hi, I suspect my chickens have coryza. I’m taking one to the vet tomorrow to confirm but they meet all of the symptoms. I understand that this usually does not kill birds if treated but the chickens will keep the disease forever. I’m quite conflicted. I have four birds. A lot of previous answers...
  2. L

    Please help hen has bloody poop

    She’s been acting lethargic and standing still all day now I’m noticing she has bloody poop.
  3. L

    Does this chicken have worms?

    Recently one of my hens has developed a little white trail near her vent and has started laying eggs with weird coloration.
  4. N

    Thought chicken had water belly but….

    Hi all, I have a 5 year old Lohmann Brown chicken who I thought had water belly but it’s been two weeks and she is still eating well, drinking, pooping normally and reasonably active. Although she is walking like a duck and does sometimes sit as though tired and she hasn’t been able to roost...
  5. ssample4

    Unknown ailment, OEGB down

    One of our son's show birds had a bout of equilibrium issues late summer. About 2 weeks ago he started to kind of started to show the same symptoms again. I treated the same, however no improvement at this time. This time has been a little different as in like could be respiratory. Been...
  6. Dedetiger

    Hen Won’t Stand / Walking on Hocks

    It just seems I can’t catch a break with these birds this last month. Today I arrive to bring the chickens some Christmas snacks and come to find one of my hens is refusing to walk/stand and is walking on her hocks if she must move. Background Information: About 3 years old. She’s eating /...
  7. I

    URGENT Swollen foot and eye swollen shut

    Hi everyone! My grandpa got them recently from a neighbor who moved to a home. Said they are 2-3 years old. They came in quite a bad shape and have been quarantined from the start. Her eye is swollen shut and filled with puss. We are washing it with saline and putting antibiotic drops but it...
  8. steph1200

    Hen is making weird nosie

    Hen just started making this noise today, when I try to get her she still reacts and trys to run away, but she is just sitting down most of the time. Poop is in between good and watery. Added a photo of face if that matters Also every once in a while she will sneeze
  9. chimkinlover

    Little Duckling is Not Growing

    My family bought some ducklings in early June. They were all growing really well up and staying at the same sizes until about a week ago we noticed one that is severely falling behind. This duckling eats and drinks the same amount as the other ducks, however, it's poop has gotten very green. The...
  10. A

    baby turkey started walking weird

    idk what's wrong with them but they started doing this out of no where and walking slowly and is hunched with its wings on the floor the baby was normal just a few minutes ago. usually loud but got quite still eating drinking. He looked like he was gasping
  11. divineangel94


    This has been going on for a year. When she’s standing and during the day she is fine. They all have been on tylan for mycoplasma. For a few years. She is seven, not laying eggs. She has been confirmed to be done for good. During the day she eats, chases, treats and is her feisty self. Only at...
  12. EasterChickens

    ‼️HELP NEEDED‼️ Chicken possibly has vent gleet?

    Hello everyone, I have a 3 year and 9 month old leghorn hen who has seemingly been going through vent gleet. It all started about 3 days ago when i started seeing a “messy” butt. I pulled her in today and smelled her butt. As a result, her butt smelled like human urine. The color of those messy...
  13. SalChickenOwner

    EMERGENCY Hen acting weird!

    Hello all, Today when I got home my hen has been acting very strange, she started waddling (walking like if something is bothering her in between her legs) she has been laying and has definitely played 10+ I have no idea what's wrong with her. Her comb has black tips and it is now floppy when...
  14. Greenjewel93

    Sick baby chick

    Hello! I have a baby Salmon Faverolles who was active and spunky Thursday and Friday; running, eating, drinking, curious about everything, very social. Today she has been unsocial, sets herself away from the others. She just stands where placed then eventually lays there. It’s been a huge...
  15. J

    Normal Wry Neck or something else?

    I’ve been treating my 7 week old chick (Unsure of breed-mixed. Hatched from donated eggs) for wry neck for the past 3 weeks with no improvement. I’ve been doing the vitamin E capsule squeezed directly into her beak and b complex method. Started with 1 500IU capsule a day vitamin E for a week and...
  16. EasterChickens

    !!Chicken adjusting crop repeatedly and has a hard crop!! (PLEASE HELP!)

    Hello everyone, My 3 year and 4 month old leghorn hen has just been experiencing a hard/solid crop and is repeatedly adjusting her crop (even when she is roosting/sleeping). She is still acting perfectly fine, eating/drinking normally and is active. I'm not so sure about how her poop looks like...
  17. EasterChickens

    Hen with a bloated/enlarging abdomen‼️PLEASE HELP‼️

    Hello everyone, My 3 year and 3 months leghorn hen has been experiencing a bloated abdomen lately. A few days ago, she was egg bound as i saw her pushing, but soon after I didn’t see any egg come out of her and she was fine afterwards. Then I started to see her abdomen looking unusual and big...
  18. RandomChickenGuy

    Chicken struggling to breath? Not worms?

    Some information to note before I explain the current symptoms - Slightly green brown poo, all my chickens have it, vet said there fecal was fine, had anathor chickens poo checked for parasites while she was getting a injection and none were found. - 3 years old - She is the...
  19. B

    Sick bob white quail

    Help I have been trying to raise bob white quail this is my first year having them. They live on the ground in a 4x8 pen they have a roof over top of them and chicken wire around them they are safe but in the last 2 months one would get sick then die within 5 days then 2 weeks later another one...
  20. V

    Have a emergency, my little pullet can barely walk, keeps tipping over and more

    To cut straight to the point, I have this little pullet I love dearly, she’s the sweetest chicken I have ever owned so far. Recently however she hasn’t been doing so good, first I realised she’d tip over a bit when walking fast. however now it’s to the point where she can’t even stand up...
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