sick 4 year old hen

  1. chickennl0ver

    URGENT! any chicken vets in new england area?

    for context, i just posted yesterday (link attached with backstory and images) about my 4-year-old hen pearls who is having crop issues. this is now day 4 of her crop issues and i am at...
  2. chickennl0ver

    broody chicken with crop problems, please help!

    backstory on pearls: she is a 4-year-old splash cochin, and she has currently been broody for around 2 weeks (this is her second time being broody this year and i am assuming the "cause" for these crop issues). so 2 days ago i noticed that my chicken pearls was having some issue with her crop...
  3. B

    Sick 4 year old hen, purple face and trouble breathing.

    I have a four year old hen who has been sick for the last week and a half. Her face and comb are purple but don't look swollen up and she's breathing very heavily, especially when she's sitting down. She's been acting sluggish but she's still been eating and drinking, although a little less than...
  4. GuppyFish ButterGirl

    URGENT!! Hen is bleeding from vent

    Hi, I'm new to BYC.. This morning our hen wouldn't come out of her run and wasn't eating or drinking. We took her in to have a look at her and found she has a huge black blood clot at her vent. When I tried to dislodge it so it wasn't blocking her vent and preventing her from passing droppings...
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